CATACLYSMIC FLOODING: Forest loss blamed for fatal floods in N. Iloilo

This aerial shot of Balasan town in northern Iloilo shows rooftops of houses buried in murky floodwaters due to incessant heavy rains spawned by Typhoon “Ursula.” VENTURER ROVER 2019

ILOILO – Gov. Arthur Defensor Jr. believes deforestation in the mountains of northern Iloilo has led to the massive flooding that submerged several towns in the province’s 5th District that bore the impact of typhoon “Ursula.” That deluge saw unprepared people fleeing to the upper floors and rooftops of their homes, and vehicles being swept away by torrents that rose rapidly. Six family members in Batad town died while trying to escape the floods.

Isa sa mga teorya naton nga isa sa nag-amot sang pagdasig sang panaog sang tubig amo ang wala na sang sponge sa ibabaw sang aton bukid,” Defensor said. “Ang mga kahoy sa bukid serve as sponge kay pagtupa sang ulan it will delay instead of rushing down.”

According to Defensor, denuded mountains in northern Iloilo are primarily due to unabated cutting of trees and massive corn plantations.

“Of course that is a fact, pero whether nga isa na sia sang rason sang pagbaha; naga-speculate kita unless lang if there’s a way for me to say scientifically nga amo gid man na ina pero commonsense would tell you nga posible isa sina sa rason kon ngaa kay ti kon wala unod ang bukid wala sia sang sponge – dasig manaog ang tubig,” Defensor explained in an interview with the media on Saturday.

One the northern municipalities that experienced Ursula’s wrath was the town of Balasan. All its 23 barangays got flooded, according to Chinky Diolosa, Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office officer.

Not even super typhoon “Yolanda” in November 2013 was able to do this, said Diolasa.

Defensor on his part said he is looking at the situation not only in the context of providing immediate intervention but also long-term solution.

With this, Defensor plans to expand tree planting activities in the mountains to reclaim secondary forest.

Ang plano naton amo ang i-upod sa programming for our expanded tree planting activities kay ang plano naton for 2020 nga i-expand ang tree planting initiatives,” the governor said.

He explained that secondary forest is a woodland area which has re-grown after a timber harvest, until a long enough period has passed so that the effects of the disturbance are no longer evident.

Defensor stressed that trees that have been cut down especially in the mountains must be replaced to mitigate soil erosion and water gushing at high speed.

Ang programa nga gina-pursue is the recovery of the secondary forest, you can used fruit bearing trees, puede kita makatanum sang coffee and cacao and the hills and mountain of fifth district are just one of the among  the areas that we want to recover sa pagtanum sang kahoy,” the governor said./PN



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