‘Lord, teach us to pray’
WE SHOULD repeat these words often. (cfr. Lk 11, 1) We cannot deny that even if we have been praying already for the longest...
The relation between God and our work
THAT rather amusing story of how the sisters Martha and Mary received Christ in their home highlights a very important aspect...
Charity means all in
INDEED, that’s how charity is. It’s all in, irrespective of how the objects of our charity are. They may reciprocate our love for them...
Let’s always be faithful to our commitments
THAT GOSPEL parable about a landlord who leased his vineyard to tenants (cfr. Mt 21, 33-43) reminds us that we should...
May others see Christ in us
THIS IS the mark of a true Christian. It’s when others see Christ in us. Remember Christ telling his disciples, “Whoever listens to you...
‘Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord’
THAT’S the Good News of great joy for all of us! Let us take time to savor the significance of Christmas so that whatever...
Developing the urge to reach out
“JESUS appointed 72 other disciples whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit. He said...
With God, we should give our all
THIS TRUTH of our Christian faith was graphically dramatized in that gospel episode where Christ told those who wanted to follow...
Just be cool when contradicted
REMEMBER that gospel episode where the disciples of Christ were not welcomed in a Samaritan town because their destination was Jerusalem? (cfr. Lk 9,...
The Guardian Angels in our life
OCTOBER 2 is liturgically celebrated as the Memorial of our Guardian Angels, reminding us of this tremendous reality that we have these powerful spiritual...