MANILA – An official of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) said sexual abuse cases involving members of the clergy are being investigated.
“Yes, they are being addressed (sexual abuse cases). Priests are investigated and some are sent to a facility for reformation, while others are either suspended or defrocked (laicized),” CBCP executive secretary Fr. Jerome Secillano said in an interview on Friday.
Secillano said he believes that the statement of Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle on Catholic Church’s rejection of victims of sexual abuses of priests does not speak of clergy members in the Philippines but to the whole church.
“Compared to other countries, it’s not that prevalent. What the Cardinal said pertains to the whole church. He was not alluding to the Philippines,” he said.
Secillano added: “Not only minors but adults as well. When speaking of adults, we speak of consensual affairs.”
San Pablo Bishop Buenaventura Famadico echoed the statement of the CBCP official.
“Each diocese or congregation addresses the issue. No CBCP figures,” Famdico said.
On Thursday, Tagle, speaking at the clerical sexual abuse summit in Vatican, said the Catholic church left deep wounds when it ignored the sufferings of the victims of sexual abuse by clergy members. (With PNA/PN)