Ceres gets another shot vs S’pore in home court

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CERES Negros is in a must-win situation when it faces Home United of Singapore in Leg 2 of the 2017 AFC Cup zonal finals at 7:30 tonight at the Panaad Park and Stadium in Bacolod City.
The Bacolod City-based team needs a 1-0 or 2-1 victory to move on to the next round after scoring an away goal in Leg 1 in Singapore last week.
Ceres Negros goalkeeper Roland Muller said they must avoid the mistakes they committed in Leg 1 to advance.
“The first leg was a really intense game but it was clear that we had some problems,” Muller said. “We know exactly what we did wrong, and we have to do better. We have to change, to improve in the second leg.”
“We just gave away quite a few chances and our positioning was not right,” added the Philippine Azkals mainstay. “We ran around too much and this contributed to the intensity of the game.”
Also bannering the Ceres crew are the Spaniards Bienvenido Marañon, Manuel Herrera and Fernando Rodriguez, and Michael Casas, Iain Ramsay, Jose Elmer Porteria, Stephan Schrock, Omid Nazari, and Manuel Ott.
“We actually played our worst football in months in the first leg,” said Ceres mentor Risto Vidakovic. “We hope to count on our home-court edge in the second leg. We hope the Bacolodnons will come out and inspire our players.”
Ceres was the first Philippine-based squad to move past the AFC Cup zonal semifinals round./PN



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