I DID it!
A 26-glacier tour in Prince William Sound.
At 4 degrees Celsius, and some rain.
Freezing my balls, yes.
But my heart was on fire.
Spectacular views.
Views like no other.
Well, hold on to that.
I still haven’t checked out Iceland.
Or even the outskirts of Finland.
But glaciers, baby!
Massive glaciers.
And icebergs.
Small icebergs, though.
Although we don’t know what’s below the water.
(Aren’t we only seeing the tips of the icebergs?)
I can say we hit an iceberg, and I wouldn’t be lying.
But it was just a 4-foot long iceberg, so we didn’t sink like the Titanic.
I also witnessed a calving—the breaking off of ice slabs from glaciers, and their crashing into the sea!
To become icebergs!
Too bad I was a little late to video record it.
But it was a falling sound that I will not easily forget.
I learned a lot from the glacier cruise.
Contrary to popular belief, I actually listen to tour guides even as I try to read ahead.
I learned why the glaciers are pretty in blue.
I learned the six types of glaciers.
I learned how many years it takes to form a foot of glaciation.
I learned that some glaciers I saw were 40,000 years old.
The glaciers in Prince William Sound have interesting names.
What’s a “sound”?
What’s a fjord?
Why College Fjord?
I loved the experience of the glacier cruise.
Do I want to do it again?
Maybe not.
Unless I am with a boyfriend who will kiss me in photos against a glacier!
On my second day in Anchorage, I visited the Alaska Native Heritage Center.
This, more than the Anchorage Museum.
Because I’m really interested in aborigines.
Indigenous people.
Indigenous cultures.
I learned about the various tribes, or peoples.
But I fell in love with our guide.
A Yup’ik.
Or, spell that Cup’ik.
Or, say Cup’ig.
I saw him first before the tour.
On stage, singing some of their tribe’s songs.
And he played their version of the drum!
Even with his face mask on, he was adorable.
I knew it was just me, but we were having eye contact all the while he was on stage.
After their cultural presentation, we talked briefly.
I asked about my inscribed Native Indian stones.
Then, I went for some film viewing.
Educational films.
Then, I checked out artifacts.
And talked to some native artists.
It was a great experience.
And then, my Yup’ik took us on a guided tour.
I was just in love with him.
So, I heard everything he said.
And after the tour, we had a few private moments.
Because I am that kind of man. Haha.
I went to Alaska to attend my goddaughter’s sixth birthday.
I bought my airline tickets on a whim.
For cheap.
Because I was thinking, if the pandemic cancels the plan, I could afford to lose the money.
In the end, I decided to come to Anchorage.
Come hell or high water.
This Alaska escapade might end up as a trip to cost over $1,000.
But I’m okay with that.
With my experience so far, and we still haven’t had the birthday party as I write this piece, it is/was money well spent.
Many people ask how I could travel like a rich man.
Well, the secret, my friends, is traveling cheaply.
I get the cheapest airfares, the cheapest accommodations.
I don’t go to hotels and restaurants unless someone else is paying.
But I budget for experiences, museums, and must-dos.
Would I pay for moose meat? You bet!
For a sky jump? Right again!
Glacier margarita (margarita with ice fresh from the glacier on the spot).
So, there.
Glacier cruise, guided museum tour, polar bear jumps, time with the locals.
Sometimes, it’s just for bragging rights.
But if I’m spending my own money, what’s wrong with that?/PN