City fisherfolks get 18 fiberglass boats

The Iloilo City Agriculturist's Office and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Region 6 turn over 18 fiberglass boats to fisherfolks from 10 city coastal barangays on Monday, March 13. BFAR 6 - ILOILO PROVINCIAL FISHERIES OFFICE FB PHOTO
The Iloilo City Agriculturist's Office and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Region 6 turn over 18 fiberglass boats to fisherfolks from 10 city coastal barangays on Monday, March 13. BFAR 6 - ILOILO PROVINCIAL FISHERIES OFFICE FB PHOTO

ILOILO City – Fisherfolks from 10 coastal barangays in this city received fiberglass-reinforced plastic boats from the Iloilo City Agriculturist’s Office (ICAO) and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Region 6 on Monday, March 13.

The recipient barangays were Sto. Niño Sur, Sto. Niño Norte, Calaparan, and Calumpang in Arevalo district; Ingore and Hinactacan in La Paz; Bo. Orebro, Lapuz; Bitoon, Jaro; South San Jose, Molo; and Navais, Mandurriao.

The boats, complete with engines and accessories, were worth P55,000 each and would be used for livelihood, barangay Bantay Dagat, coastal cleanup, and disaster response.

The city government will also utilize two fiberglass boats for fishery law enforcement and Iloilo River cleanup.

ICAO said the beneficiaries must be registered fishermen in the city, designated as boat recipients by punong barangay, recommended by Iloilo City Fisherfolk Association, willing to undergo training in fishery law enforcement and disaster risk reduction, as well as cooperate in responses to illegal fishing and other fishing violations.

This “Provision of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Boats Project” aims to promote new technology and ensure safety of fisherfolks at sea while reducing the need to cut down trees commonly used for wooden boats.

ICAO-Fisheries Section head Renato Madrilejo said the beneficiaries are expected to provide monthly fish catch data, assist in coastal resource management activities, and strictly follow fishery laws and regulations. (With reports from Iloilo City PIO)/PN


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