City gov’t to get full-fledged legal officer

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ILOILO City – City Legal Office (CLO) officer-in-charge Lorna Laurea has accepted Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog’s offer to be a full-fledged city legal officer.
Her appointment is now subject to confirmation by the Sangguniang Panlungsod.
Laurea was designated officer-in-charge in July after then office chief Hernando Galvez was assigned city administrator.
She vowed to “bring better legal services” through “participatory and intellectual deliberations” among office personnel.
“A regular monthly meeting will make everyone at the CLO aware of the cases we handle — ano ang status, ano ang pwede namon mabuloligan,” she said.
That the CLO has backlogs does not mean it is lousy since many factors delay a case, Laurea clarified.
“Maybe (it’s because) wala lang kami ga-publicize sang amon ginadaog nga kaso,” she said.
“Indi kami mag-agree nga mahinay (ang progress of cases),” said Laurea. “Damo na factors sa delay: may judge, opposing counsels, private parties. Kon magpa-postpone (hearing) ang pihak (nga side), indi ka man ka-oppose.”
She assured they will defend before any agency or tribunal their decisions or opinion on legal matters involving the city government.
“We cannot please everybody, but ang ma-assure ko, whatever opinion we make, ginapangitaan gid legal basis,” said Laurea. “Kon ang opinion namon indi acceptable sa public, wala na kami mahimo.”
She has been working at city hall for 17 years now. Before that, she worked at the Public Attorney’s Office for 13 years./PN




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