THE investigations by the authorities independent of the hierarchy revealed wide clerical child sex abuse and the cover up by bishops like in the Catholic Diocese of Baltimore. There, over 150 priests of the diocese were found to have sexually abused at least 600 children and many more cases were covered up by church officials. That is just the tip of the iceberg of clerical child abuse in Baltimore.
An investigation by the Attorney-General in 2018 found that six Catholic dioceses in Illinois including Chicago, reported 103 confirmed clerical sex abusers. The investigative report published this 23 May 2023 revealed an additional 348 priest child abusers that were not reported to the authorities.
Yet, true Christian faith is always found in the minds and hearts of the People of God even if not always present in all the clergy in the Institutional church. That true faith comes from belief and action following the words and actions and example of Jesus of Nazareth. It finds life in a person of absolute integrity and motivates the many thousands of good priests and laypeople and truthful bishops to take social action to implement the Gospel values.
That real faith will not be shaken no matter what evil action of child abuse and corrupt clergy do. That is faith that flows into action for children’s rights and dignity and will empower true Christians of integrity to speak the truth, fight for the truth and welcome the truth, painful as it may be.
Pope Francis has such faith and has condemned every act of child abuse and says the victims are the most important in the Kingdom as Jesus said (Matt.18:1-7) and abusers must be held accountable before the civil law and church law and, as Jesus said, a millstone be tied around the child abuser’s necks and they be thrown into the deep sea. What message is more direct, stronger and clearer than that?
The hierarchy must change and defend the victims and bring clerical child abusers to justice. Some may be harbouring alleged criminals. The abusers must be named, the prosecutors must be strong and determined to never give in to pressure and steadfastly uphold the law equally. The judges must deliver justice without fear or favor nor be intimidated by anyone in power, moral or civil, and deliver justice for the abused children. Many dedicated prosecutors and judges are doing that.
A prosecutor in Olongapo City elevated the complaint of rape against an abuser of an orphaned 10-year-old child in 2021, Angela (not her real name). He was convicted for rape on May 22, 2023 by a just of the Regional Trial Court- Family Court in Olongapo City.
Angela was saved by social workers and therapists at the Preda home for abused children and became empowered and self-confident to give her clear testimony. The Emotional Release Therapy is where she screamed out her anger, hatred and punched the cushions as if punching her rapist. She released all the pent up pain she was enduring and was healed. She became self-confident and strong of mind and heart. She is now free of her abuser forever.
Many more children need freedom for the pain suffered by sexual rape and assault. Justice is the best way to keep children safe when the child sex abusers are behind bars. (