Concepcion first town in Iloilo to earn ‘Safety Seal’

Concepcion, Iloilo’s Mayor Raul Banias (rightmost) receives a Safety Seal Award from local government operations officer Janwen Gaspar (second from right) on Monday. Joining them were Concepcion police station chief, Police Major Ronnie Brillo (second from left) and acting Fire Marshall Senior Fire Officer 4 Eulogio Poral Jr. MAYOR RAUL BANIAS/FB
Concepcion, Iloilo’s Mayor Raul Banias (rightmost) receives a Safety Seal Award from local government operations officer Janwen Gaspar (second from right) on Monday. Joining them were Concepcion police station chief, Police Major Ronnie Brillo (second from left) and acting Fire Marshall Senior Fire Officer 4 Eulogio Poral Jr. MAYOR RAUL BANIAS/FB

ILOILO – The municipality of Concepcion became the first town in this province to get a Safety Seal Award from the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) under the Safety Seal Certification Program (SSCP).

The SSCP recognizes the dynamic and effective programs and activities of a local government unit (LGU) against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

The Safety Seal was given to Mayor Raul Banias by Concepcion Municipal Inspection and Certification Team headed by Local Government Operations Officer 6 Janwen Gaspar. It was given on Monday after the flag-raising ceremony.

Banias gave credit to the municipal government’s Safety Seal Certification Program Core Team and barangay officials. He said they ensured that the minimum public health standards are observed by the public.

The mayor also expressed his gratitude to the Concepcion police station led by Police Major Ronnie Brillo and acting Fire Marshall Senior Fire Officer 4 Eulogio Poral Jr., for their constant help in the COVID-19 response measures.

“The safety seal is an affirmation that the battle against the unseen enemy (COVID-19) is real. Beyond that, it reinforces the existing efforts of the LGU by concretely laying down the fundamental safety protocols that are being enshrined in the Municipal Hall and are necessary to be replicated even in every individual’s home,” according to Banias.

“We spent resources to this program borne out of our collective belief that having this in place in the Municipal Hall will positively reinforce our continuous advocacy for change of people’s behavior. We are hoping that the LGU family and our clients and customers will learn from this and bring these lessons of complying (with) the COVID minimum health standard protocol to their homes and barangays. COVID is real, and we have a share to play,” he added. (With a report from Capitol PIO/PN)


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