CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM: Ilonggo solons join forces for public consultation

Ilonggo legislators Rep. Julienne “Jam-jam” Baronda, Rep. Raul “Boboy” Tupas, Rep. James “Jojo” Ang Jr., Rep. Michael “Mike” Gorriceta, Rep. Ferjenel “Ferj” Biron, and Rep. Lorenz “Nonoy” Defensor pose during a break at the Batasang Pambansa session hall with Speaker Martin Romualdez and Deputy Speaker Ralph Recto.
Ilonggo legislators Rep. Julienne “Jam-jam” Baronda, Rep. Raul “Boboy” Tupas, Rep. James “Jojo” Ang Jr., Rep. Michael “Mike” Gorriceta, Rep. Ferjenel “Ferj” Biron, and Rep. Lorenz “Nonoy” Defensor pose during a break at the Batasang Pambansa session hall with Speaker Martin Romualdez and Deputy Speaker Ralph Recto.

ILOILO City – Legislators from the city and province of Iloilo collaborate to support the Committee on Constitutional Amendments and ensure the success of the public consultation of the House of Representatives on the subject of constitutional reform today at the Iloilo Convention Center.

Deputy Majority Leader and Iloilo City Lone District Rep. Julienne “Jam-jam” Baronda, Uswag Ilonggo’s Rep. James “Jojo” Ang Jr., 1st District’s Rep. Janette Garin, 2nd District’s Rep. Michael “Mike” Gorriceta, 3rd District’s Rep. Lorenz “Nonoy” Defensor, 4th District’s Rep. Ferjenel “Ferj” Biron, and 5th District’s Rep. Raul “Boboy” Tupas are helping the Committee on Constitutional Amendments organize and invite participants and resource persons to ensure that the pulse of the people is known.

“There are sectors and experts who advocate for reforms in our Constitution to make it more relevant to the times. They argue that we have been left behind by our Asian neighbors because foreign investors are turned off by our economic restrictions. So I think it makes sense to listen to our people — to the pros and cons — then weigh things out and decide which way to move forward. This is democracy at its best,” Rep. Baronda told Panay News.

 Rep. Ang of Uswag Ilonggo party-List agreed, saying, “There are experts who say our Constitution is outdated given that it was still from 1987, and needs to be more competitive and updated. Experts say our economic provisions need to be made more relevant to the demands of the times. So we want to know what our people think about that.”

Rep. Gorriceta echoed the same, saying, “We are faced with far more challenging realities today than more than 30 years ago when the 1987 Constitution was drafted. The economic restrictions are said to be turning away foreign direct investments. This is what we need to look into, and the series of public consultations being conducted by the Committee on Constitutional Amendments will enlighten us about this issue and help us make an informed decision.”

Iloilo City’s Mayor Jerry Treñas, who will deliver welcome remarks along with Iloilo’s Gov. Arthur Defensor Jr., supports the move, saying, “The 1987 Constitution has seen so many changes in the country. After 36 years, it is time that certain provisions of it are carefully studied to make them relevant to the times. One area that needs careful restudy are the economic provisions. We need to make them more relevant today so that we can allow more foreign investments, which will result in rapid economic growth and more employment opportunities for our people.”

There are 12 measures pending with the Committee on Constitutional Amendments chaired by. Rep. Rufus Rodriguez. The public consultation to be held at the Iloilo Convention Center is expected to have 1,000 participants.

UP Visayas Chancellor Clement Camposano and Atty. Neri Colmenares will be the resource speakers. Representatives from academia, nongovernment organizations and civil society organizations, local government unit officials, business sector, private sector, and others have been invited.

Rep. Defensor, senior vice chair of the Committee on Constitutional Amendments, will preside over the hearing that aims to answer three major questions: Whether or not it is necessary to amend or revise the constitution? If in the affirmative, what is your preferred mode of amendment? What are your proposed amendments to the constitution, if any?

Rep. Margarita Ignacia “Migs” Nograles will discuss the merits of amending the economic provisions while Rep. Rodante Marcoleta will present the overview of the measures referred to the committee.

House members who have confirmed their attendance include  Minority Leader Marcelino Libanan, Deputy Majority Leader Wilter Y. Palma, Deputy Majority Leader Rep. Ramon C. Nolasco Jr., Deputy Majority Leader Jude Acidre, Deputy Majority Leader Alfred Delos Santos, Deputy Majority Leader Jose “Bong” Teves Jr., Assistant Majority Leader Anna Veloso-Tuason, Committee Vice Chairperson Divina Grace C. Yu, Rep. Rodante Marcoleta, Rep. Stella Quimbo, Rep. Raul Angelo “Jil” D. Bongalon, Rep. Jonathan Keith T. Flores, Rep. Margarita Ignacia B. Nograles, Rep. Richard Gomez, and Rep. Teodorico Haresco Jr.

House Speaker Martin Romualdez is expected to attend, too.

“We are glad that the public consultation for the Visayas is held here in Iloilo City. And we thank the leadership of the House, particularly Speaker Martin Romualdez, along with Majority Leader Mannix Dalipe and Committee Chairperson Rufus Rodriguez, for bringing Congress closer to the people by going around the country to listen to our people. Indeed, the House is giving a premium to public participation in policy formulation and decision-making,” Rep. Baronda told Panay News./PN


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