THE INTERNET is an instant worldwide communications technology that transmits to the social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. messages and images that are transmitted through the telecommunications corporations that provide internet connections to Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
The internet can be used by anyone with a smart phone and who can pay for one hour or a 24-hour connection and transmit images of live sex shows of child abuse.
These ISPs are the pathways by which images and videos are posted online and the channels by which child sexual abuse images and live-streamed videos of child abuse shows are shared to depraved pedophile criminals around the world that order and pay for them. This is a terrible crime forbidden by RA 11930 passed in July 2022.
The challenge for the Internet Service Providers and their telecom corporation owners is to provide the most powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven software to detect and capture and block such evil images and videos from being transmitted. This is mandated by law RA11930.
It may be impossible, as there are so many, to prevent them from being made and posted but not impossible to intercept and capture and block them from reaching the public or the intended abusers and then reporting them to the authorities so the abusers can be identified and brought to justice.
The social media platforms under Philippine law are called âparticipative network platform providerâ or a âsocial media intermediaryâ, and have been used to fix elections, brainwash the public, and transmit evil content, such as child rape videos and images and live-streaming of child abuse. They are mandated by Philippine law (RA11930) to identify and block and remove such content from reaching the public. They do this in Germany, Australia, France and Turkey, the US and other EU countries lest they be held criminally liable for illegal content on their platforms.
They have out-sourced this work to contractors that hire call center workers to train as âcontent moderatorsâ in the Philippines and elsewhere. These Filipinos have to view a quota of child abusive images and other hateful and barbaric posts on the platforms and judge to keep or delete them. They apparently do not report them to the authorities as the law says they should. What is needed is to install artificial Intelligence-driven detection software.
One content moderator out of thousands can see 1,000 abusive images in one day and decide to delete them but first must report them to the Philippine Internet Crimes against Children Center established in 2019 to investigate the source of the abusive material and hold the people responsible for posting the abusive material accountable. It is already totally overwhelmed by the task, how much more if they received the content found by the content moderation call-centers?
Everyone â parents, citizens, Church and state â are challenged to behave in a morally correct way and respect and follow the Gospel mandate. Jesus of Nazareth says children are the most important in the world above all others, even bishops. He also says a millstone be tied around the neck of abusers and they be brought to justice (Matthew 18:1-7). That is what we must all strive to do but above all help the victims to heal, recover and be empowered. Report abuse confidentially to shaycullen@gmail.com or +63 9228768621.(preda.org)/PN