Crying bride

ALLOW us to share with you today a story from our book, “My Brother-in-Law & Other Stories”, inspired by an incident while we were working in a hotel.


I went to my office early one morning and came upon members of a wedding party at the lobby waiting for the bride to go out of her hotel suite.

Finally, the bride came out. Wow, what a wedding gown!

The dress was backless and almost down to the waist line and a micro-mini at that. The arm sleeve is ¾ but I must say it was the most daring gown I have ever seen.

The bride was crying.  Well, I thought it was just usual on occasions like this for brides to cry. It could be tears of happiness on this great day in her life.

She was persuaded only to go out and ride in the bridal car when someone gave her a shawl to cover her shoulders and back.

Where was the couturier who designed such a daring wedding gown? I was curious.

“The couturier was nowhere to be found, Sir,” our lady receptionist at the front desk said. “The couturier disappeared because the groom was hunting for him since yesterday.  He wanted to strangle him.”

Why, what happened, I asked.

“The couturier got a full cash advance for the wedding gown but he misappropriated the money. At the last minute he tried to make do with the little materials that he had on hand and made the bride this most daring wedding gown ever!”

We came upon this story because we were reviewing our book again during the pandemic and hoped to print out more copies for having run out of stock.



Allow us to make a comment about our present breed of congressmen. We cannot understand why the President is being asked to intervene in their internal squabble for leadership in Congress. This endangers the independence of the legislative body in a democratic society.



“Separate the sheep from the goats.” – If you separate the sheep from the goats, you examine a group of people and decide which are good and which are not so good.


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