Damaged and perverted psyche, revisited

IN VIEW of the current state of the country in the midst of a pandemic, it does seem timely for this revisit.

Of course, I’m particularly referring to the incessant attacks of Leni Robredo and the usual suspects to just about anything President Duterte and the government do, which is seemingly focused on just one thing – bring him down.

We are in the midst of a pandemic, a war against a virus which infect, multiply and kill its host. And take note, the virus is not picky whether you’re pro-Duterte or pro-Robredo. But instead of coming together against a common enemy, these usual suspects are politicizing the pandemic to try to bring this government down. That I can only attribute to the Filipino’s damaged and perverted psyche.

This group of islands or archipelago called the Republic of the Philippines is not a country with a sense of nationalism and patriotism, but islands that is home to natives with a damaged and perverted psyche. Their sense of nationalism is totally perverted sometimes I do not know if the natives even know the meaning of that word.

This is perhaps the only country in the world wherein the ambition of the natives is to be citizens of another country. The preferred country of choice is the United States of America and acquiring a “green card” is akin to achieving orgasm without the benefit of having sex.

The favorite sport in these islands is basketball, a game normally for people with the average height of 6 feet and 5 inches while the average height of the natives is 5 feet and 5 inches.

It is the dream of every wannabe basketball player in these islands to play “above the rim” and dunk like Lebron James, good luck with that; the doorway is even taller than the average male native.

But its’ not so bad here. The Philippines has probably one of the longest coastlines in the world and that means a lot of white sand beaches in the tropical setting. The thing is the natives have this filthy habit of throwing their shit, and I literally mean shit, into the nearest body of water, be it the sea or a river. Just take a look at the Pasig River and Manila Bay. That is until recently when this “hated government” decided to finally implement the decades-old ruling of the Supreme Court to clean Manila Bay. The last time I looked, the “shit” is gone.

I must say Iloilo City is way much better than Manila. At least the natives of Iloilo got their shit together and cleaned the shit from the Iloilo River, making it one of the cleanest urban bodies of water.

It’s still not perfect yet, although it is relatively clean, the mangroves are flourishing and the waters are teeming with fishes. We can safely say the Iloilo River is very much alive.  

In most First World countries they are still having some difficulties in integrating their mentally-challenged citizens into mainstream society but they are getting there. Here in the Philippines we are much better off. We elect them into public office and let Congress take care of them.

We even elected one for President and Noynoy Aquino served a full six-year term without any interruptions. That’s how kind we are as a people. I sincerely hope that Noynoy had been fully rehabilitated without doing further damage to this country.

So if Cuba is the country with the best public health and education system in the world, the Philippine has the best mental care system and we call these institutions Congress and Senate. But for really extreme cases we make them Presidents i.e. Noynoy Aquino.

It is only in the Philippines where mainstream media, instead of disseminating positive information on the vaccination program, focus on negative issues i.e. side effects.

One can only speculate that they seem to be doing it to derail the vaccination program so they can blame the Duterte government.

On top of that, COVID-19 positive cases are going up to 5,000 a day and we can attribute this to the Filipinos’ inherent disdain for discipline. People still wear their facemask covering their chin instead of the mouth and nose. There is complete disregard for social distancing. They just have to celebrate their fiesta, birthday and/or attend a funeral wake despite the pandemic.

In these islands the natives’ sense of nationalism is watching beauty contests and feeling on top of the world if the Filipina contestant makes it to the semi-final and go totally ecstatic whenever that contestant wins it. Really who cares about this stupid contest anyway?

Nowhere in the world can you find a bunch of social climbers wanting to make Corazon Aquino, probably the most incompetent President second only to her nincompoop son Noynoy, who of course became President, into a saint?

Only in the Philippines! (brotherlouie16@gmail.com)/PN


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