DENR fast-tracks issuance of patents to WV military camps

Hector Garrido, chief of Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ Licenses, Patents and Deeds Division, discusses the procedural rules on the issuance of special patents to the military. DENR REGION 6

ILOILO City – To fast-track the issuance of land titles of military camps in Western Visayas, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Region 6 called on military officials for a coordination meeting.

The meeting – spearheaded by DENR regional director Jim O Sampulna and DENR regional assistant director for technical services Livino Duran – tackled the processes of land acquisition.

“As a former AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) Chief of Staff, DENR secretary Roy Cimatu knows how unscrupulous land syndicates encroach our military camps. Thus, he ordered to prioritize the issuance of tenurial instrument to all military, naval, and air force military reservation within our jurisdiction,” said Sampulna.

He added that the move was “to protect the interest of the AFP from encroachment, usurpation, illegal occupation, and adverse claims of ownership made by public and private entities.”

Hector Garrido, chief of the Licenses, Patents and Deeds Division of the DENR Region 6, discussed the requirements and procedural rules in processing and issuance of special patent/proclamation.

On the other hand, Major Anthony Caro, chief of the 3rd Infantry Division in Camp Peralta, discussed a presentation of workable potential for special patents.

Caro included in his presentation the names of the eight military reservations in the region – Camp General Luna in Iloilo City; Camp Peralta in Jamindan, Capiz; Camp Gerona in Murcia, Negros Occidental; Camp Hernandez in Dingle, Iloilo; Camp General Carreon in Calinog, Iloilo; Camp Monteclaro in Miag-ao, Iloilo; Camp Bula in Mambusao, Capiz; and Camp BGEN Silvino R De Goma in Candoni, Negros Occidental. (With DENR Region 6/PN)


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