Diergos slay: CCTV footage missing

ILOILO – Footage of a closed-circuit television (CCTV) in Barangay Inangayan, Santa Barbara town where businesswoman Claire Diergos was found dead could give a clue to investigators. However, a part of it has been deleted, according to the special investigation team (SIT).  

The “missing” footages were those on Oct. 26 and Oct. 27, according to Police Senior Master Sergeant Francisco Lindero, spokesperson.

May nakakita nga may salakyan nga kapila magpakadto-pakari sang Oct. 26 sang aga kag nagakuha sang picture sa salakyan ni Diergos sa higad-dalan. Amo ‘to tani ang copy sang footage ang need sang SIT kay basi nakuha ang plate number,” Lindero explained.

Diergos’ body was found around 3 p.m. on Oct. 26 when residents complained of a foul odor.

Ricardo Bayog, village chief of Inangayan, offered an explanation: the CCTV footage is “automatically” deleted every 12 to 14 days. He said he also had “no idea” of the “missing” Oct. 26 and Oct. 27 copies.  

The police went to the barangay hall on Oct. 28 to secure the CCTV, according to Bayog.

Bayog also claimed that after Diergos’ body was found, he did not receive any instructions from the police to preserve the footages.

On the other hand, the SIT has yet to file a case against the suspects, said Police Colonel Gilbert Gorero, police provincial director.

Gorero said all the CCTV footages, including the copy of what the dash cam in Diergos’ car had captured, were submitted to the Regional Anti-Cyber Crime Unit (RACU) of the Police Regional Office 6 (PRO-6).

Indi madali ining kaso kay wala kita sang credible witnesses, kulang pa aton ebedensya. Halos gin limpyohan gid sang mga suspects ang crime scene,” said Gorero.

However, he assured that the SIT is doubling its efforts.

Wala kami naga pabaya sa sining kaso,” Gorero said./PN


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