Digong, Bato invited to House probe on drug war

MANILA – Former President Rodrigo Duterte and Sen. Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa are being invited to attend the House of Representatives’ Committee on Human Rights hearing on the previous administration’s “war on drugs.”

The House committee approved on Tuesday evening the motion of Gabriela party-list’s Rep. Arlene Brosas for Duterte and Dela Rosa to shed light on the alleged extrajudicial killings from 2016 to 2022.

Dela Rosa served as the Philippine National Police chief from 2016 to 2018 at the height of the Duterte administration’s drug war before being elected senator in the 2019 midterm elections.

“Mr. Chair, I move to invite former president Rodrigo Duterte and, of course, Sen. Bato Dela Rosa para po sa pagsagot sa mga issues na ina-allege, mga issues na inihahapag ng EJK [extrajudicial killings] [victims’ families],” Brosas said.

Committee chair and Manila 6th District Rep. Bienvenido Abante Jr. also suggested inviting Duterte and Dela Rosa to listen to the testimonies of the victims’ families.

“We have informed the former president of this hearing, so he knows,” Abante said. “For the fourth hearing, I will be inviting Senator Bato dela Rosa and the former president to come and listen to your testimony.”

Meanwhile, Dela Rosa said in an interview on DZRH on Wednesday that he is skipping the said House investigation based on the advice given to him by Senate President Francis Escudero.

“Sa akin wala akong problema, I can face them anytime. But still, I have to follow the guidance of the Senate President being a member of the institution, the Senate of the Philippines. Kailangan ko sundan ‘yung guidance niya,” said Dela Rosa.

However, Dela Rosa said he has not spoken with former President Duterte if he will attend the House hearing.

Based on government data, over 6,200 drug suspects died in anti-narcotics operations from June 2016 to November 2021, but human rights organizations estimate the death toll could be more than 20,000./PN


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