WHEN you hear the words COVID, disaster and idiot, who do you think it would refer to, US President Donald Trump or Dr. Anthony Fauci?
I want my medical advice from a medical expert and as Dr. Fauci is the United States’ leading immunologist, I would listen to him rather than someone who has already caught the virus and has been reluctant to wear masks and still holds large open events where masks and social distancing seem very distant ideas.
This is a worldwide problem although America has lived up to its reputation as being a world leader, mostly for its number of cases and deaths.
Listen to the world’s leaders, the medical and scientific ones, not the political ones.
It’s easy being green
The COVID lockdowns and restrictions have changed our habits. With many limitations, there has been an increase in many areas, more home delivery food, more books to read, too many Zoom sessions and more gardening.
A quick check of the vegetable seeds section showed few available options as everyone has gone green. It doesn’t seem to be a panic about food supplies but rather an attempt to return to simpler times.
The growing of your own vegetables is a rewarding task and the produce is much tastier and doesn’t come wrapped in lots of plastic. And even more importantly, it is environmentally friendly.
Look for the good from everything, even this COVID pandemic, even if it is green.
More fake news?
President Trump said, “I voted for a guy named Trump.”
Hopefully this is more of that “fake news” he mentions so often.
A song or two
A number of musicians have complained about President Trump using their songs at his rallies. I wondered then how a few of songs from a favorite singer of my youth, Meatloaf, would go. His song portfolio includes the obvious titles and a few obscure ones.
Even before he became President, he believed “Everything is Permitted” when you are a star. There was never any doubt that “What you see is what you get” with him. It soon became evident that “Two out of Three Ain’t Bad” when you consider the position usually comes with a title, power and respect.
It has been suggested that “I’ll Lie for You, and That’s the Truth” was the initial approach adopted to the COVID-19 pandemic although he found that “It Just Won’t Quit” and that he was not “Forever Young” nor a “Man of Steel” and the virus got him during his campaign leaving him “All Revved Up with No Place to Go” for 14 days.
As the election approaches some hope that it will be a matter of “Read em and weep” for him and that his attempt at a second term is going “Nowhere Fast.” He might even hope that “Amnesty is Granted”.
This is “A Time for Heroes” not a “Rock and Roll Hero” but the first responders, the scientists and the medical workers.
Now it’s time for “The Promised Land” where Donald Trump is “Standing on the Outside” and not sitting in the Oval Office.
Maybe there will be a write-in with “Meatloaf for President”. (dfitzger@melbpc.org.au/PN)