Don’t take it out on civilians, NPA told

ILOILO City – The Philippine Army’s 3rd Infantry Division (3ID) has thrown a challenge to the New People’s Army (NPA) in Panay Island – face government troops instead of harming unarmed civilians.

“What they are doing is cowardice,” said Army Captain Cenon Pancito III, the 3ID spokesperson.

The rebels recently torched a construction company’s heavy equipment in Antique province.

“If they really want a fight, they should face us squarely, not destroy construction equipment beneficial to the community,” said Pancito.

An estimated 30 heavily armed men set of fire three heavy equipment of F & T Construction, contractor of a P2-million road project in Barangay Luyang, Sibalom, Antique, on Nov. 15.

They identified themselves as NPA rebels to the road project foreman and a laborer who were staying in the bunkhouse before pouring gasoline on the three heavy equipment (road roller, hydraulic excavator and road grader)

“We strongly condemn this terroristic act of the NPA. The victims here are not only the project contractor but ordinary citizens of Sibalom and adjacent towns who stand to benefit from the road project,” said Pancito.

The arson would result to delays in the completion of the road, he added.

“The equipment that the rebels attacked were not the military’s and those were not in any way involved in the armed conflict so why burn them. The NPA is in reality sabotaging government efforts to improve people’s lives,” said Pancito.

He appealed to the people to “take a bold stance against the NPA.”

So far, according to Pancito, 22 municipalities and a city in Panay Island have declared the NPA persona non grata.

In Antique, the local govern units that made such declaration were San Jose, Anini-y, Barbaza, Belison, Caluya, Culasi, Hamtic, Libertad, Pandan, Patnongon, San Remigio, Sebaste, Sibalom, Tibiao, Tobias Fornier, Bugasong, Lauan-an, and Valderrama.

In Iloilo, these were the municipalities of Maasin, Janiuay, Igbaras, Bingawan, and Miag-ao, and Iloilo City.

Barangay councils, too, were declaring the rebels persona non grata, said Pancito.

The most recent of these barangay councils was that of Barangay Igtuble in Tubungan, Iloilo.

The other barangay councils were Cuartero, Capiz (Putian, Mahunod-hunod, San Antonio, Carataya) and Calinog, Iloilo (Binulosan).

“We expect more towns and villages do to the same,” said Pancito.

On Nov. 14 the local government of Bingawan, Iloilo rallied its constituents into signing a peace covenant supporting the anti-insurgency campaign of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Philippine Nationa Police (PNP) and declared rebels as persona-non-grata.

The signing of covenant was participated in by students and youths, barangay officials and other sectors.

The peace covenant also denounced NPA atrocities.

“We are publicly denouncing the rebels and warning them to stop recruiting students. They are not welcome in our town. What we want is peace, and we want an end to the armed conflict,” said Mayor

Mark Palabrica./PN


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