DPWH-6: Safe to pass under Ungka flyover

ILOILO – Passing beneath the Ungka flyover is safe, according to Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Region 6 assistant director Jose Al Fruto after the public noticed that the temporary shoring under the Ungka flyover in Barangay Ungka II, Pavia town was removed.

Steel frames under piers 4, 5 and 6 were earlier installed to support the flyover’s main structure due to vertical displacement.

These were cleared days before the Dinagyang Festival 2023 highlights last week.

Explained Fruto, DPWH-6 removed those because they conducted a controlled traffic loading on all 16 piers of the flyover and for engineers to determine the structure’s behavior when the flyover is loaded.

“Indi lang ang tatlo ka piers, may mga configurated kita dira nga traffic loads nga gin-install sa certain period of time. Kada pier lain-lain nga load configuration para ma-observe naton how the structure behaves and if may tukod indi na naton mabal-an,” explained Fruto.

“Indi ‘ni ‘ya mag-usmod kag maghapa at any given time lang ang flyover ta. Indi ini matumba,” he insisted./PN


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