Eat less, live more

THE EARLIEST people went around a lot.

They gathered food, ate, and moved on.

The modern people move about to get food, eat, stay on the couch, watch TV, eat some more, and move enough to get more food from the refrigerator.


At 53, with a 5’4” frame, I’m not really overweight at 140 lbs.

But I would love to be back at 127 lbs, my weight before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Also, I’m a little bothered that I eat a lot during this pandemic.

For no big reason!


Of course, you can point to Covid-induced depression.

Or isolation bingeing: bingeing on streamed Netflix movies, stress eating, and the struggle to feel alive in the face of this party-pooper, and killer, pandemic. 


But it’s not lost on me that eating less may be good for me in my golden age.

Even if I don’t lose much weight, eating less has proven scientific benefits to reduce inflammation, and prevent Type 2 diabetes, or even heart diseases.

So there!

I want to be in that position of healthy diet.


Frankly, I don’t have to eat much.

For what do I need food?

I’m not going to grow any taller.

And I’m not a poor laborer who needs his/her carbo-loading.

I am fine with not eating.

I may crave for some flavor, and I can definitely afford that, so…


I resolve to eat the kinds of food that I want…

But in moderation; small portions, if necessary.

I resolve to eat anytime I want…

Not controlled by the traditional breakfast, lunch, dinner set up in my youth and poverty.

I can eat any time of the day that I want.

I have money for it.


I can eat lechon, two thin slices, anytime of the day, even when the shops and restaurants are closed.

In my travels, I can eat whatever my hosts offer me.

I will not be difficult to feed. (I never was!)

And, when I am full, I can fast.

In fact, I should aim to fast more instead of eat more.

Because there is really nothing important in the world that I haven’t yet tasted.


I have no craving for any food.

Because I eat all sorts of food.

I do not believe in stupid people urging others to eat this food from that place because it is “a must”.


If you have sucked all the food I’ve sucked, I’ll trust you.

And if you haven’t shagged a camel, please move on!


There are as many kinds of adobos as there are Filipinos in the world.

In the beginning, I was thinking that each Philippine island has its own distinct adobo flavor or way of cooking.

But as a world traveler, I realized there are as many kinds of adobo as there are kinds of people cooking them.

And tell me that chicken adobo is not the poor man’s equivalent of the European coq au vin!


On New Year’s Eve, to strengthen my resolve to commit myself to some form of intermittent fasting, I uploaded the app Ate.

It’s main purpose for me is to have social accountability for what I eat.

It’s simple: I take a photo of all the food that I consume.

The app tracks my meals, and gives me a daily recap including my fasting time, and how many meals I ate. 


I don’t do caloric count.

As I said, I don’t need it.

I eat what I want without restrictions other than having a small or decent portion.

I eat anytime I want, and the app clock does not let me lie.

So I find that motivating and inspiring.


People often ask me “how to be ThePSN”.

Well, my life is well documented on social media, and here in my newspaper column.

But the visuals of my meals via Ate is another level.

People can see that I eat simply, cheaply, ordinarily.

I really like that.

What can be a better encouragement than seeing ThePSN eat the food that ordinary people eat?

Maybe greatness is not a function of food.

But of the will power to control things that impact our lives.


Ate cost me $49.99. (Actually, $53.99 including tax.)

But I like it so far, so I hope it is a worthy 2022 investment.

I like that I can track all my meals.

Wish me luck, and visit my Instagram—@petersolisnery, to see what I’ve been putting in my mouth.


Actually, hydration is my biggest project in 2022.

But I’m taking things one step at a time.

I’m actually encouraged to drink when I’m fasting, although that can be derailed when I’m touring around.

(I hate carrying water bottles when I am balancing between my iPhone, belt bag, wallets, Covid documents, and bus or train passes!)

Life isn’t easy for me. But I’m still here!/PN


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