HAPPY days are here again because its election time; pre-COVID, a most awaited event in Philippine history where everybody financially benefits.
The ideal electoral contest is when the contending parties have money and the determination to spend it; so the voters can choose which side offers the highest price for the vote sold.
It is a political reality that to vie for public office you must have money – tons of it – to win. Never mind the 1% rich and elite; they don’t need your money. It is the poor struggling masses that clog the squatter areas that you must be prepared to buy; their votes, that is.
These marginalized voters expect it. They make money during elections because this is the only time that his vote is as precious and equal to that of a rich man. So, you are courting a larger mass of the voting population and investing in their votes in order to win in this election.
The team to beat, of course, is that headed by the incumbent city mayor Jerry Treñas. This early in the struggle, after much jostling, the 12 line-up for city councilor have been chosen and announced.
It is an indubitable fact that the group relies heavily upon the political clout of the city mayor earned and nurtured thru decades of public service. So far, no credible candidate has raised a challenge.
This shall be the first pandemic election I shall be voting in.
In accord with the rule of the incumbent, the advantage lies with the city mayor’s team. This is attributed to the following factors:
1. As long as the local government is run smoothly and not blackened by a serious scandal, people do not want change.
2. The campaign period is far too short for new comers and challengers to traverse the vast expanse of Iloilo City and its suburbs to espouse their candidacy.
3. The COVID pandemic further restricts locomotion and crowds; thus, less crowds translate to lesser votes and if this condition persists till election day, indeed, there will be low voter turnout.
Another game changer are political alignments at the national level. The President’s term will end and it is clear that he refuses to fade into the sunset and choose to run as Vice President. And being the President, he still wields vast powers in this crisis moment.
Arrayed against this formidable bulwark, there must be a powerful and winnable Opposition that has to be set up. But if the group splinters and pursues individual and divisive agendas, they could not muster a united front and most probably fail.
Much remains to be seen; party lines will be crossed and political commitments shifted, which will surely affect the local strategy as our candidates must choose which presidential candidate and team to support. A headache.
From now till election day, watch for what is to come. This is exciting. What a game. The COVID pandemic inadequately and poorly managed; the economy in shambles; public debt and unemployment at their highest levels ever.
Who wants to be the President of this country?/PN