Encarnacion takes oath as new mayor of San Jose

San Jose’s Mayor Justin Encarnacion takes his oath before Judge Jojo Cruzat in front of the municipal hall on Wednesday afternoon, July 3. VM DELFIN JUSTIN RIOS ENCARNACION/FACEBOOK PHOTO
San Jose’s Mayor Justin Encarnacion takes his oath before Judge Jojo Cruzat in front of the municipal hall on Wednesday afternoon, July 3. VM DELFIN JUSTIN RIOS ENCARNACION/FACEBOOK PHOTO

ANTIQUE – Vice Mayor Justin Encarnacion officially took his oath as the new mayor of this province’s capital town, San Jose de Buenavista, after the demise of Mayor Elmer Untaran.

Judge Jojo Cruzat of the Regional Trial Court Branch 11 in San Jose administered the oath-taking of Encarnacion in front of the municipal hall around 4 p.m. on Wednesday, July 3.

In attendance were Encarnacion’s family, and officials and employees of the San Jose local government.

Despite getting emotional, the new mayor pledged to continue the programs and projects that Untaran had started.

The town’s No. 1 councilor, Joanne Amor Dolor, became the next vice mayor, replacing Encarnacion, under the rules of succession.

She also took his oath on Wednesday.

Dolor expressed sadness over Untaran’s passing, but with the bigger responsibility given to her as the new vice mayor, she vowed to continue serving the San Josenhons together with the municipal department heads, barangay captains and Sangguniang Kabataan.

She also thanked the late mayor for welcoming here at the municipal government despite her being a newbie in politics.

Untaran died at Makati Medical Center in Metro Manila on Tuesday afetrnoon, July 2. He was 65.

“With profound sadness, we announce the passing of Mayor Engr. Elmer C. Untaran. While he was widely recognized as the Mayor of San Jose de Buenavista, Antique, to us, he was ‘Daddy,’ ‘Daddy-Lo,’ ‘Pato,’ or ‘Toto,’” read part of the official statement of Untaran family.

The family said the late mayor battled his illness with remarkable courage and unwavering strength, demonstrating the indomitable spirit and dedication he always showed to the San Josenhons he served so devotedly.

“His leadership and compassion deeply impacted countless lives, and his steadfast commitment to the well-being of our municipality will forever be cherished by all who had the privilege of knowing him. His contributions have left a lasting legacy in San Jose, inspiring us to continue the work he held dear,” the Untaran family added./PN


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