Ex-PNP chief acquitted over 2009 chopper deal

Former Philippine National Police chief Jesus Verzosa has been cleared by the Sandiganbayan Seventh Division in a graft case over second-hand helicopters.
Former Philippine National Police chief Jesus Verzosa has been cleared by the Sandiganbayan Seventh Division in a graft case over second-hand helicopters.

MANILA – The Sandiganbayan Seventh Division has dismissed the graft case against former Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Jesus Verzosa in relation to the purchase of second-hand helicopters by the PNP in 2009.

In a ruling released on Friday, the anti-graft court ordered the lifting of the hold departure order against Verzosa and the others who were acquitted, and the release of their cash bonds.

Other respondents who were acquitted were Police Deputy Director General Jefferson Soriano, Police Superintendent Roman Loreto, Police Director George Piano, Police Superintendent Luis Saligumba, Police Superintendent Job Nolan Antonio, Police Superintendent Edgar Paatan, Police Chief Inspector Maria Josefina Recometa, Police Superintendent Claudio Gaspar Jr., Senior Police Officeer 3 Ma. Linda Padojinog, Police Officer 3 Avensuel Go Dy, and Ruben Gongona.

Meanwhile, ruled guilty for the graft case are Police Dirrector Luizo Ticman, Police Dirrector Ronald Roderos, Police Dirrector Romeo Hilomen, and Police Dirrector Leocadio Santiago Jr. 

The four are sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of imprisonment of six years and one month as minimum to eight years as maximum with perpetual disqualification from public office.

They were also ordered to pay jointly and solidarily the civil liability in the amount of P11,377,153.23 per unit of the two pre-owned Robinson R44 Raven I helicopters with 6% interest per annum starting from the finality of the Sandiganbayan decision until full payment by the accused.

Roderos separately was found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of falsification of public document and was sentenced to indeterminate penalty of four years and two months of prision correccional as minimum to eight years and one day of prision mayor as maximum. He was also ordered to pay a fine of P5,000.

The case stemmed from the supposedly secondhand helicopters owned by former First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo sold to the PNP as brand new in 2009.

In July 2009, the PNP procured two Robinson R44 Raven 1 helicopters from Manila Aerospace Trading Corporation. The choppers were supplied to the firm by Lionair Inc., supposedly acting on Mr. Arroyo’s orders. 

The Office of the Ombudsman in 2012 has ruled that the controversial deal “caused undue injury” to the national government amounting to P34.6 million.

In 2022, the Sandiganbayan, in compliance with the Supreme Court ruling, dismissed the graft charges against the former first gentleman in relation to the chopper deal.

According to the SC, both the Office of the Ombudsman and the Sandiganbayan “gravely erred in finding probable cause” and putting Arroyo on trial./PN


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