NOT A FEW netizens were worried that I lost it when I started posting on social media my strong, and strongly-worded, opinions about the new Filipino x-mutant words included in Dictionary.com, an online dictionary that I sometimes use myself.
The words aren’t new to me.
I heard them as early as 2016.
I’ve seen them grow out of the words Latinx and Chicanx.
The new words are Filipinx and Pinxy.
X here is used to neutralize the masculine O and feminine A of the Spanish and Latin languages.
Thus, Latinx is the gender neutral for what used to be Latino and Latina.
Chicanx for Chicano and Chicana.
And corollary to that, Filipinx for Filipino or Filipina.
Pinxy for Pinoy or Pinay.
I say No to this bullshit.
I am gay, and I am ever so respectful of non-binary identities.
But if Filipinx and Pinxy are to be used only to accommodate the non-binaries, then, pardon my French, but va te faire foutre!
Everybody else can f*ck themselves.
But lines have to be drawn.
And I don’t mind taking the flak for it.
It is a noble idea to be gender neutral.
And to be gender neutral in our language.
But Filipinx and Pinxy just create more shit for the people.
And I hate those people rushing to embrace these ignorant and arrogant words as if they’re shitheads entitled to reinvent language for their own convenience without respect for a people’s history and culture.
My unadulterated words on Sept. 5, reacting to the use of Filipinx (pronounced fil-uh-pee-neks, or fil-uh-pingks) and Pinxy (pronounced pingk-see), on Facebook:
“Stop this bullshit now.
Your political correctness is so wrong!
F*ck yourself, but not Filipino and Pinoy.
If it is that important to your sex-conscious shit, use Filipina and Pinay!
(Yes, O has no superiority over A!)
But don’t use X.
X is unknown.
We are a people.
Confused maybe, but not unknown.
Stop being politically correct idiots.”
With 39 shares so far, it’s one of my more popular posts.
My irritation is palpable.
I’m sure I can expound on the topic better now, but the rawness of my post is beautiful.
And pretty much admired by many of my fans and friends who like how I tell people off.
What drives the PSN to the edge really?
On Sept. 6, I continue with this:
“It’s either you are Filipino or Filipina or Stupid.
Those are the choices.
Because what spells stupid, sounds stupid, looks stupid, is stupid!
I respect who you eat, just don’t expect me to eat him/her/it, too.
Solve for your own X.
Just remember, some things are really binary: right and wrong, good and bad, zero and one, them and us.
And some people are confused, thus: “Filipino or Filipina or Stupid.”
My ranting continues on Sept. 7 with this:
“Call a dick, a dick.
And a cunt, a cunt.
But don’t mess up my national/cultural identity.
You didn’t come out of an asshole, my people.
Even the fairies among us have a history of being colonized by Spain.
(Buttfucked, but true.)
Your revisionism is wrong and arrogant.
Go f*ck yourselves with your non-binary identities.
Honestly, I respect the spectrum of gender identities.
But if you use Filipinx to identify yourself, you are shit to me.
Coz you are screaming that you came from Ur-anus!”
My fans and friends like it when I go wild with my words.
And they trust me because they know that I don’t mince my words when I am in the right.
I don’t use words lightly.
And when I am angry, I am pretty colorful with my language.
What is awkward is awkward because they are fresh, original, newly-wrought.
Readers can feel my truest indignation.
And sometimes, my righteous wrath is beautiful even if I spew brimstone and fire.
I am Peter Solis Nery. Hear me roar!/PN |