Franklin’s staircase

EARLY last week, I came across a post of a popular figure in my adoptive city – General Santos, which featured a photo of him beside a lovely staircase! The staircase made of wooden planks and steel railings caught my attention because I have always had a penchant for stairways and doors. In fact, over the years, I had several photos taken beside doors and stairways. Yes, that kind of fetish.

I wonder if the man intentionally picked that part of the house or it was simply a spur-of-the-moment thing, but I daresay it held an inward significance because I’m guessing it describes either a life phase or a life trajectory. Deep. In the photo, he leaned on the railing indicating that the object provided him anchor.

I have known the man for some time now – well, as earlier put, he has achieved a certain level of popularity, nah, I didn’t mean notoriety – although we haven’t had long conversations except on two occasions. The first, when by chance, we sat beside each other during a flight en route to Manila sometime between 2006-2007 where he regaled me with the early romances of his young life, haha! I was astonished that he would openly tell me his love stories when we were never introduced formally. You know, it was the typical familiarity on account of our professional lives, if you can call it that but we were not friends. But then it’s true, “It’s easier to talk to strangers.”

So, the whole flight was story after story of his life but being a good storyteller, he did it with flare and maybe some embellishments!

Moving forward to 2020, when I first launched my talk show in General Santos City, I invited him as my second guest, and picked on our discussion some fifteen years back.

Like a pro, he answered all the personal stuff, but this time, I sensed with caution and discretion compared with the more-than-a-decade plane ride to protect the privacy of individuals. There were details in that interview that focused on his politics, his romances, plans to get married, staying unmarried, his health issues, and stuff. It was insightful.

Looking at the photo, I saw a painting of a rooster and then it hit me! He is a sabungero and proud of it! To each his own, huh! He had both good press and bad press for his hobby, but he is oblivious to what people say anyways.

Over the years, he had his political fights and some personal quarrels, one of which I had the privilege of listening to the other party’s side of the story. This was before the plane ride so you can imagine the stories I have heard about him, haha!

When he had his stroke, I saw him at his lowest point at city hall while he served as city councilor. He had about three persons assisting him. Many criticisms were thrown his way when he began reporting for work in his condition which made me wonder why people attack us when we’re at our lowest and most vulnerable. People’s cruelty and meanness usually come out when the other person – friend or foe – goes through a rough and tough time. It’s ironic! One of the enigmas in life.

But I must say his grit is admirable. He is a survivor. Blood, tears, sweat, the works!

A friend from the media industry (should he remain anonymous?) told me how he admires the man for making the legislative sessions interesting and alive because of the debates he engages in. I’m sure he does! I would say he enjoys it! Like I always say, we need brilliant lawmakers – we need fighters – the type who does not blindly follow party lines.

So, back to the photo. When I asked about the staircase, he said, “Actually, it’s the second. The first was so simple. I changed it.” And the man has style as well!

I would say the staircase is not just a part of the house. It is THE part of the house. It speaks to him; it’s one with him. He can afford to replace it; spend another round of money to satisfy his need for aesthetics; make it look grand. I can’t help but think it’s a woman.


The writer hosts Woman Talk with Belinda Sales at 91.1 Balita FM Tagbilaran City every Saturday, 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. She can be reached at Twitter @ShilohRuthie./PN


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