From local tradition to modern dengue remedy

The Aedes aegypti mosquito transmits dengue viruses to humans through bites of an infective female Aedes mosquito, according to the World Health Organization. The Provincial Health Office in Aklan recorded 5,320 dengue cases this year. PIXABAY
Photo courtesy of PIXABAY

HERE comes the rain again and with the wet season rises the season of dengue.  In 2019, the Philippines has acquired one of the highest, if not the highest, number of dengue cases in Southeast Asia.  As of September, there have been a total of 229,736 dengue cases and 958 of these cases have resulted into unfortunate deaths. This prompted the Department of Health (DOH) to declare a national dengue epidemic to boost public awareness and vigilance against the viral disease.

For centuries, our forefathers managed dengue by drinking a decoction of a local herb known as tawa-tawa or gatas-gatas, scientifically known as Euphorbia hirta. The not-so-palatable tea is traditionally used to arrest the symptoms of dengue and hasten recovery from the viral infection. Once regarded as snake oil by scientists, research conducted in recent years by multiple laboratories in Southeast Asia, India and China, are all in agreement that tawa-tawa possesses potent antiviral compounds and antithrombocytopenic (platelet increasing) activity that is helpful in treating dengue patients. In a recent study conducted by Herbanext Laboratories under the Tuklas LunasProgram of the Department of Science and Technology, local researchers were able to show definitively that a standardized and concentrated form of tawa-tawa extract with high content of specific flavonoids significantly increases blood platelet count in an animal model. One of the key anti-dengue compounds which can be found abundantly in tawa-tawa, and which is present in trace amounts in many common fruits, herbs, and vegetables, is known as quercetin. The product of this research is now an FDA registered product — the Daily Apple Tawa-tawa Herbal Food Supplement.

Compared to the traditional decoction where there is no clear preparation method and dosing, the Daily Apple Tawa-tawa Herbal Food Supplement has been scientifically formulated in capsule form, to be taken at dose one to two capsules three times a day before meals. Being in concentrated form, no more than six capsules are required per day for an adult with weight of 60 kilogram. When desired, the product may also be dissolved in a tablespoon of sweetened water and taken as such. The earlier Daily Apple Tawa-tawa is taken as a supplement by dengue patients, the faster the recovery and the less time needed to stay in the hospital. Confirmation of dengue infection can be conveniently done using the Dengue Ns1 Antigen Test Kit.  Once confirmed to have dengue, it is important that patients submit themselves to standard hospital care and stay well hydrated.

Generika Drugstore, the Philippines’ pioneer in retail of generic medicines, responds to the dengue epidemic by partnering with Herbanext Laboratories to become the first national drugstore chain in the country to carry the Daily Apple Tawa-tawa Herbal Food Supplement. Available initially in select branches of Generika Drugstore in areas where the dengue epidemic is severe, the Daily Apple Tawa-tawa Herbal Food Supplement can be purchased in bottles of 30s at P 450.

Let us be ready to face the threat of dengue during the rainy season, always keep a bottle of Daily Apple Tawa-tawa handy in your house. To keep dengue at bay, let us support DOH‘s 4S in its dengue prevention campaign:

Search and destroy – look for and remove areas with stagnant water, the breeding sites of mosquitos

Self-protection measures – wear long pants and long sleeved shirts and don’t forget to use of mosquito repellent daily 

Seek early consultation – don’t hesitate to see a doctor if you feel or see a family member with dengue symptoms such as sudden, high fever, severe headaches, pain behind the eyes, severe joint and muscle pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and skin rash, which appears two to five days after the onset of fever.

Support fogging/spraying – contact your local healthcare center or local government to conduct fogging or spraying in hotspot areas where increase in cases is registered for two consecutive weeks to prevent an impending outbreak

We encourage our customers and your family to be healthy and safe from dengue.  Remember to practice the 4S of dengue prevention, consult a doctor if you feel any symptoms and visit our Generika Drugstore branches to know more about the Daily Apple Tawa-tawa Herbal Food Supplement./PN


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