Frontline workers in 13 Aklan hospitals OK with ‘CoronaVac’

FIRST to be inoculated against coronavirus disease 2019 in Aklan are healthcare frontliners.
FIRST to be inoculated against coronavirus disease 2019 in Aklan are healthcare frontliners.

KALIBO, Aklan – The first doses of CoronaVac – the vaccine against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) manufactured by China-based Sinovac Biotech – will be allotted to more than 10 government and private hospitals in the province of Aklan.

The distribution of the 2,420 vaccines started on March 10, 2021 at Gov. Augusto B. Legaspi Sports and Cultural Center in Kalibo, Aklan with Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital (DRSTMH) getting 38 percent or 920 of the doses.

The initial 2,000 doses were transported from Department of Health (DOH) Region 6’s cold storage facility in Mandurriao, Iloilo City to the Provincial Health Office of Aklan on March 9.

The remaining 420 doses also arrived on March 10.

The doses were reserved for healthcare workers of five private hospitals in Kalibo and Boracay Island as well as seven government-operated facilities in Buruanga, Boracay Island, Madalag, Altavas, Ibajay, Libacao and mainland Malay.

In a press briefing on March 9, Dr. Maila Bernabe of DOH said those vaccinated will get their second doses within 28 days or sometime on April.

“This is the best vaccine available for you to take since it was tested in Asian people,” she said.

According to Bernabe, free vaccines will be distributed to the hospitals with the following allocations:

* 320 for Panay Health Care Multipurpose Cooperative Hospital in Kalibo

* 70 for Saint Jude Hospital in Kalibo

* 290 for Saint Gabriel Medical Center in Kalibo

* 20 for Saint Gabriel Medical Center in Boracay Island

* 170 for Aklan Mission Cooperative Hospital in Kalibo

* 50 for Buruanga Municipal Hospital

* 90 for Ciriaco S. Tirol Hospital (Boracay Island)

* 60 for Don Leovigildo Diapo, Sr. Municipal Hospital (Madalag)

* 110 for Altavas District Hospital

* 200 for Ibajay District Hospital

* 60 for Libacao Municipal Hospital

* 60 for Malay Municipal Hospital

Two vaccination teams should inoculate 200 people daily, then gradually scaled up in days later.  

Aklan governor Florencio Miraflores said the vaccine roll out in the province will prioritize healthcare workers in all hospitals in Aklan. He also urged the public to continue observing the health protocols.

The governor stressed information education campaigns across the province are conducted to build confidence that vaccines offered through the government vaccination program are safe and effective.

“The end game is we have to go back to something like normalcy, to restart the economy,” he said.

Among the first, DRSTMH Infectious diseases specialist Dr. Wani Bautista-Abril rolled up her sleeves for her initial doses of the vaccines from DOH regional director Dr. Emilia Monicimpo to boost her immunity from the COVID-19 virus./PN


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