Fuel prices fall after recent surge

Prices of gasoline, kerosene and diesel fall by P1.45 per liter, P1.00 per liter and by P0.60 per liter, respectively. PN FILE
Petron gas station. PN FILE

ILOILO – Petron gas station located at Mali-ao, Pavia has posted an advisory by Petron Corporation on Monday announcing rollback on its fuel prices.

Petron Corporation announced value added tax (VAT)-inclusive rollback on fuel prices effective 6 a.m. yesterday.

Gasoline decreased by P1.45 per liter, kerosene by P1.00 per liter and diesel by P0.60 per liter.

The condition of the international oil market has improved since the drone attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities pulling oil prices down this week.

On Tuesday last week, gasoline was up by P2.35 per liter, kerosene by P1.75 per liter and diesel by P1.80 per liter./PN


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