GIVEN the historic, crucial importance of the decisions on the choice of COVID-19 vaccines and other details of the government vaccination plan, it is but proper that the IATF Vaccination Task Force be transparent in its transactions. It must keep the public informed every step of the way with full disclosure.
We do understand that each COVID-19 vaccine is different as regards formulation, ingredients, vaccine development techniques, efficacy in clinical trials, side effects, benefits, limitations as to patient screening, storage, temperature control, and costs, among others.
Disclose to the public the characteristics of each COVID-19 vaccine being sought. Explain to the people all the scientific, economic, legal, and logistical facts. Sunshine is the best disinfectant. Bring out everything into the light of day, not keep them behind closed doors and in the dark. Nothing less than full disclosure will suffice.
The IATF must choose vaccines that can prevent asymptomatic as well as symptomatic infections. The most recent information disclosed to the US Food and Drug Administration shows that vaccines vary as to benefits and recommended age of persons to which they are to be injected. So far, all the known vaccines going through clinical trials require two separate doses given at different times.
Most of the COVID-19 vaccines have not applied for clinical trials here in the Philippines. In fact, only the ones from China and Russia have been reported to have applied, but the others opted not to. This should not mean the options of Filipinos are limited to those vaccines which have not yet completed Phase 3 clinical trials. Fact is, the COVID-19 vaccines made in the United States and Europe have completed Phase 3, ahead of the vaccines from China and Russia.
Access of Filipinos to all those vaccines must be assured, not just the ones from China and Russia.
To the IATF, do not expect the general public to just take your word as is without the verifiable proof and supporting bases. The lives of millions and the collective future of our country are at stake. We are at a crucial juncture in history. We cannot and must not fail the Filipino people now.
Do not even dare hide anything, intentionally delay anything, personally profit from anything, and purposefully set up unnecessary hurdles that would keep the COVID vaccines away from the Filipino people. We will find out. There is nowhere to hide anything.