Gov’t forms task force vs hazing

Manila News Bureau Chief

MANILA — A task force has been organized by the government to review and strengthen the implementation of the Anti-Hazing Law and prevent fraternity violence.

“Hazing-related fatalities continue to occur” despite the passage of Republic Act (RA) 8049 in 1995, stated the Memorandum Circular No. 68 signed by Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr.

“President (Benigno) Aquino (III) shares the concern of many parents and educators over the violations of the Anti-Hazing Law,” said Ochoa, who signed the memorandum by the authority of the President on Aug. 28.

The task force will “address the need to ensure that there is justice for hazing fatalities and their families,” the executive secretary said.

“At the same time, we have to look at whether the law can be improved so that its objectives are met,” he said.

According to the memorandum, the task force will “review and formulate policies, programs and guidelines to strengthen the implementation of RA 8049.”

Aquino has appointed Justice Secretary Leila de Lima to lead the task force, with heads of the Department of National Defense, Department of Interior and Local Government, Commission on Higher Education, Armed Forces of the Philippines, Philippine National Police, National Youth Commission, and the Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs, as members.

Aside from leading government actions and responses in connection with RA 8049, the task force will also develop modes in coordinating and monitoring programs, projects and guidelines to prevent hazing fatalities.

It must also submit a periodic report to the Office of the President.

Being the task force’s chair, De Lima will be given “full executive authority” to carry out the group’s functions.

Under RA 8049, no hazing or initiation rites in any form by a fraternity, sorority or organization shall be allowed without prior notice to school authorities. No physical violence must be employed by anybody during the initiation rites.

If a person subjected to hazing or other forms of initiation rites suffers injury or dies, the officer and members of the fraternity, sorority or organization who participated in the ritual shall be meted with appropriate penalty, said the law.

The Anti-Hazing Law imposes life imprisonment “if death, rape, sodomy or mutilation results therefrom.” Graduated penalties may be imposed, depending on the condition of the hazing victim./PN