SAN JOSE, Antique – A group of divers led an underwater cleanup drive in Nogas Island, a famous diving destination located in Anini-y town.
“We look forward to have a cleaner reef for Nogas Island and control the overpopulation of the crown of thorns,” said Karlo Agao of Basecamp Divers Iloilo.
The group has partnered with various stakeholders in Antique, like the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office, Belison Community Environment and Natural Resources Office, and an association of banca operators in Nogas.
The divers started cleaning up the island waters in September. The cleanup – which will be done twice a month – will last for six months.
They target to rid the island waters of abandoned fishing lines, plastic sachets, straws, shampoo and bottled water, and crown of thorns (a starfish species).
Crown of thorns preys upon hard or stony coral polyps, which lead to the destruction of the reef.
Agao said the overpopulation of the species is a “worldwide problem.”
“Everybody is doing the same to control the overpopulation of that species,” added.
Last month, the divers collected eight bags of solid waste and crown of thorns. (With PNA/PN)