Hearing on wage increase set Nov.

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By: Resel Joy Tianero

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ILOILO City – The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board in Region 6 (RTWPB-6) will hold hearings on the proposed wage hike on Nov. 16 at MVW Restaurant in Roxas City, and Nov. 17 at Boracay Holiday Resort in Boracay Island, Aklan.
RTWPB-6 urges the representatives from the labor and management sectors in the region to attend the hearings.
According to RTWPB-6 officer-in-charge board secretary Atty. Ma. Ailyne Valaquio, the Philippine Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Workers Union has filed for a petition to increase wage in three levels.
“The first level is for an increase of P101.34 in the daily wage of workers in commercial establishments employing more than 10 workers; the second level is for an increase of P90.61 for workers in plantation with more than 24 hectares; and the third level is for an increase of P86.87 for workers in non-plantation and plantation with 24 hectares and below,” the petition said.
As of May 2, 2015, the current daily minimum wage for workers in non-agriculture/industrial/commercial establishments employing more than 10 workers is P298.50, and 256.50 for those employing 10 workers and below. In the agriculture sector, workers in the plantation receive a daily minimum wage of P266.50./PN




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