THIS, being Holy Week, is when I’m supposed to slow down, and reflect.
But I’ve been slowed down a lot last week, and I’ve been reflecting so much during my trip to Iceland.
I’ve been prayerful during the long drives, and God-mindful in Iceland’s scenic land and waterscapes.
I felt that was my Holy Week.
On the plane from Newark, New Jersey to Keflavik in Iceland, I was thinking of the turning of the tides in the Philippine campaign season.
In the latest surveys, Pink Leni went up a few points, and LBM-tae went down a few points.
Still, the liar and thief leads the surveys, which, for all we know, are rigged in his favor, and are bought by the family’s ill-gotten wealth.
Still, I entertain the thought that the survey was reliable and fair; or even predictive of the outcome of the elections.
That’s how open-minded I am, compared to the LBM-tae supporters who call every “bad news” to their campaign fake news.
As if they aren’t peddling fake news, false narratives, and “alternative truths.”
Still, I entertained the idea that the candidate who lied about his credentials, and academic achievements (‘achievements’ is a hard word to use there) could actually win the election.
Then, what?
Would I be happy to be right about the disaster that a liar’s presidency will bring?
Would I celebrate the bobo voters’ massive suffering, and just say, “I told you so!”?
Here’s the thing: I am made of stronger stuff than most Filipinos.
I have grit, wit, and humor.
I will survive.
And I’m 53. I’m ready to go.
And I don’t have a family to feed.
And I have the capability to live outside of the Philippines.
On the five hours plus flight over the Atlantic Ocean, I prayed.
The first part of my prayer was, of course, for Leni and the Pink movement to win.
Everything is still possible.
There is a turning of the tide, that much is true.
And knowing how bandwagon mentality is prevalent in Filipinos, I’m pretty positive the Pink campaign can win.
But again, as an open-minded realist, the second part of my prayer was to deliver me in case LBM-tae wins.
“Deliver me!” —Take note of that.
F*ck the Filipino people!
They want sh*t, they’ll eat sh*t!
I’m 53. I’m entitled to be bitter in case the Filipinos choose poorly in the coming elections.
Maybe, it will be my release from being a patriotic Filipino.
Maybe, it will be the last straw in my being a Filipino.
And with that thought, God seemed to have heard me.
From my plane window, I got to witness the elusive Northern Lights.
The aurora borealis activity lasted for more than 30 minutes (based on my first and last photos).
Photo information says the photos were taken in the North Atlantic Ocean, Davis Strait.
After landing in Keflavik, we didn’t go straight to Reykjavik where our hotel was.
We just proceeded to do the Golden Circle tour.
Our first stop was the Pingviller National Park.
All through the ride, my aunt and I were discussing my post-election plans.
Do I really want to spend my retirement, and the rest of my life, in the Philippines?
Why not stay in the US, or maybe even in Europe?
In all seriousness, I told my aunt:
If Leni wins, I’d like to work for the Filipino youth.
Something about 21st century issues: mental health, gender crisis, reading comprehension, global competitiveness, among others.
In jest, I also added:
If LBM-tae wins, I’d like to f*ck the Filipino people.
If they want to eat sh*t, then they’ll eat sh*t.
And I’ll give them sh*t my way.
I’ve already made my deal with God— the aurora borealis of April 1, 2022 be my witness.
So, let see:
With my smarts and brilliance, and with no longer a care for stupid Filipinos who will vote a liar and a thief to the highest position in the country, I can just turn political colors, and switch sides.
I may even decide to dedicate my life to help the liars and thieves perpetuate their lies, their revised histories, their plundering and pillage.
I mean, for the right price, right?
If I choose to, I could be the best apologist for any lying bastard! (To be continued)/PN