Hong Kong moves to make disrespecting Chinese nat’l anthem a crime

HONG KONG – Hong Kong on Wednesday presented a controversial bill to lawmakers that prescribes jail terms of up to three years for disrespecting the Chinese national anthem, a move critics say raises fresh fears over freedom of expression in the city.

Chinese authorities have strived to instill greater patriotism in the former British colony at a time of heightened tension between democracy activists and forces loyal to Beijing, with some in Hong Kong even advocating independence from China.

Besides imprisonment, the measure would fix a maximum fine of HK$50,000 ($6,370) for those who publicly and intentionally disrespect the anthem, the “March of the Volunteers”.

It also extends to schoolchildren, including pupils of international schools, who would be legally required to learn the anthem.

Booing the anthem at soccer matches in Hong Kong has emerged as a form of political protest in the past few years, seized upon by young people keen to demonstrate their frustration at Beijing’s perceived creeping influence. (Reuters)


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