Hong Kong protesters to regroup despite police ban

A man covers his eye with a placard as he attends a protest in Hong Kong, China on Aug. 30, 2019. REUTERS
A man covers his eye with a placard as he attends a protest in Hong Kong, China on Aug. 30, 2019. REUTERS

HONG KONG – Protesters were expected to gather in downtown Hong Kong on Saturday in the latest of a series of anti-government demonstrations that have plunged the Chinese-ruled city into its worst political crisis in decades.

Police blocked plans for a mass show of force marking the fifth anniversary of a decision by China to curtail democratic reforms in the former British colony, which returned to China in 1997.

The Civil Human Rights Front, the organizer of previous mass protests, canceled Saturday’s demonstration after being denied permission, but not having a permit has not stopped people demonstrating in the past. (Reuters)


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