How Emilia Clarke stays fit for ‘Game of Thrones’

FIGHTING for power can be downright exhausting, so Emilia Clarke, the mother of dragons, knows that the secret to winning the battle (called life) is maintaining a sustainable lifestyle. She does this with the help of James Duigan, a fitness expert and Emilia’s longtime friend.

Emilia once said that Duigan keeps her kitchen “very happy.” What exactly does that mean? In an interview with Whimm, Duigan is all about ditching fad diets: “The only thing that works is balance. The minute you begin to weigh your food, count your kilojoules or beat yourself up for going out for dinner, it’s over.”

He revealed that you shouldn’t fight your cravings because they’ll just stick around longer!

Celebrities are constantly moving. Emilia, for example, is always busy with Game of Thrones, so her workouts have to cater to her hectic schedule. Duigan assigns HIIT workouts that need little to no equipment: planks, pushups, squats, crunches, and more. He mixes it up with exercises involving resistance bands: “Using resistance bands can help develop a beautiful, long, lean body, without placing your muscles under extreme pressure.”

And the cool-down is an essential part of your workout: “A proper cool down will help to reduce muscle soreness after a workout. This happens when lactic acid and toxins build up in the muscles. A cool down will help to gradually push the lactic acid out of the muscles, whilst allowing the blood to circulate throughout your body and carry important nutrients and oxygen to your muscles and cells and assisting in the growth and repair of muscles.”

Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that self-care must be a part of your lifestyle: “The perfect body is one that you feel happy and healthy in.” (Cosmo)


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