Hypocrites and grifters

A HYPOCRITE is someone who pretends to have certain beliefs or values, but their actions contradict those beliefs. A grifter is a con artist, someone who swindles people out of money through fraud.

As I’ve said before, I never insult anyone, I just describe them properly.

We are, of course describing those pseudo-communists in the House of Representatives, particularly those party-list representatives belonging to that so-called Makabayan bloc i.e. France Castro of ACT, Raoul Manuel of Kabataan, and Arlene Brosas of Gabriela.

Included in this motley crew of hypocrites and grifters are their senatorial wannabees.

Why we say that all of the above are hypocrites and grifters is the fact that in Congress these folks strut around with a holier-than-thou attitude pretending to be the representatives of the marginalized, yet what they really do is to undermine the government using government resources.

The Makabayan bloc now finds its credibility crumbling under the weight of its leadership’s questionable actions and controversies.

The recent senatorial debates exposed the bloc’s true state: in crisis and disarray, their buzz lines contradicting each other. Its senatorial bets scramble to answer even the most basic questions: Why can’t you categorically denounce the violence of the armed struggle waged by the CPP/NPA/NDF when you are so quick to condemn the perceived injustices of the state and the alleged abuses of the AFP and the PNP? Why do you insist on holding other officials accountable while dismissing court convictions against your own leaders?

In fact, a certain Teddy Casiño, one of their senatorial wannabees, admitted that Makabayan’s goals align with the programs of the CPP/NPA/NDF. He was quick to humanize the NPA for the deaths its armed units have caused, but just as quick to demonize government troops. Indeed, the fish is caught by its mouth.

It’s becoming increasingly clear: the Makabayan bloc has shed all pretenses and abandoned pro-people advocacies in favor of carrying out the CPP’s Third Rectification campaign to regain lost influence and raise resources to revive the armed struggle.

Their shift from mass-oriented advocacies to self-serving political retribution hasn’t gone unnoticed — not just by their critics, but by their own disillusioned members and cadres.

I have yet to hear anyone from the Makabayan bloc condemn the atrocities committed by that internationally declared terrorist group the CPP/NPA/NDF. They pretend to champion democracy when their actions say otherwise.

The Makabayan block’s most significant – and I may say, profitable – accomplishment in the House of Representative is their current political alliance with the “Ayuda block” and their politically motivated impeachment stunt, meant to sow division, hurt the Vice President and former Secretary of Education for being largely responsible in exposing the CPP/NPA/NDF’s grooming and recruitment of students in the schools rather than promote genuine accountability.

The thing is with the government’s efforts, the communities they once expected to deliver “command votes” have driven them away. The Makabayan bloc now scrambles to maintain relevance. Their solution? Collusion for political and material gain, exposing them as being available to the highest bidder. Devoid of any political support from the masses, the Makabayan bloc’s actions beg the question: who are they really fighting for?

Their descent into political opportunism and materialistic pursuits unearth a critical truth that their leaders and party-list groups have never really stood for the marginalized. This is not just a betrayal of the masses they claim to champion but also a blow to the integrity of the democratic processes they exploit.

Makabayan’s failure to represent marginalized sectors directly contravenes the intent of the party-list system meant to give voice to the voiceless manipulated by party-list organizations with ties to terrorist groups has become a mockery. This constitutes grounds for disqualification under the Omnibus Election Code.

And that’s the Makabayan block – the epitome of fraud, hypocrisy and profitable political alliances./PN


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