Iloilo guv allows ‘limited’ cockfighting

ILOILO – Cockfighting activities will now be allowed, according to Gov. Arthur Defensor Jr.

But this comes with several caveats – there can be no live audiences, online or remote betting or live broadcast of cockfights.

Ang aton nga industry sa game fowl, gusto nila magpadayun ang cockfighting. Pwede na magbulang pero may mga conditions nga dapat wala sang audience, wala betting audience,” said Defensor.

Also, local government units will still have the last say as to whether the operation of licensed cockpits and cockfighting can proceed in their respective localities.

Defensor decided to lift the ban on cockfighting following the issuance of Resolution No. 79 by the national government’s Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF).

The resolution allowed “operation of licensed cockpits and the conduct of cockfighting activities” in areas placed under modified general community quarantine or lower.”

The governor yesterday said he is finalizing an executive order for the resumption of cockfighting-related events.

“But we can only go as far as to the IATF rules because the power to regulate is ara sa aton nga mga munisipyo,” said Defensor.

On Thursday morning, representatives of four breeder associations in the province – Pitmaster, Engkwentro Cockridge, United Gamefowl Breeders Association of Panay, and Panay Gamefowl Breeders Association (PAGBA) – went to the office of the governor.

Ricardo Palmares Jr., president of PAGBA, assured him to implement all IATF guidelines like the implementation of minimum health standards.

Waay audience except sa tag-iya sang entry kag iya tawo nga apat kada entry, tapos wala online betting and wala live streaming,” said Palmares.

He lamented that the industry lost millions of pesos due to the prohibition of cockfighting activities since the start of community quarantine in March. 

Ang bulang kadamo gid sang maka-benespisyo. So, indi nila dapat pag-untaton kay duro gid ang affected,” he said. 

Palmares also disclosed their intention to submit a position paper appealing to the IATF to allow online betting./PN


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