I’m out of here

THERE are now common occupations that I could never have imagined of when I finished my education about four decades ago although I still can’t accept influencer as a real job.

One recent addition, mainly in Japan so far, is a resignation enabler, who will help you resign if you are too scared to do it yourself.

It appears that in Japan it is difficult to resign as it is insulting to the company and employers will just rip up the paperwork.

I am willing to add my experience as I have had no trouble leaving work sites or resigning and on some occasions have even been encouraged to do so by my employers.

I never thought I would be so well trained in one specific skill.


Beyond breaking point

Recently, Daria Saville has lost a first round match at the US tennis open, as have dozens of other players, but she finished with a real dummy spit by smashing a good racquet to pieces. There will be other players yet to smash more racquets.

The Christmas day voice of my grandmother, “Save the wrapping paper”, told me to not waste anything so racquet destruction seems so indulgent and petulant.

The unwanted racquet could have been donated to a charity.

A small fine is meaningless and the racquet would have been provided by a sponsor so what can be done to encourage better behavior and more positive role modelling?

The simplest answer would be make her, or any of the other racquet smashers, play the rest of the set with the broken racquet. It wouldn’t take long for this offence to stop.

It would be easier if these players just grew up.


AI Animal stupidity

First we had Vladimir Putin riding a bear, although the Snopes website declared it was fake, and now we have Donald Trump riding a lion but we don’t need to check Snopes to know it’s a fake.

Why create such an image of power given it’s so obviously fake? If it was real it would be a matter of animal cruelty given his weight.

Many people, usually men, have exaggerated or straight out lied about their physical strength and capability but generally in order to compensate for the reality. Tell the truth, it’s always the best option.

Will we also have Xi Jin Ping on a panda?/PN


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