IN A seemingly unusual move, ex-US president Donald Trump has resigned from the Screen Actors Guild just before he was going to be thrown out.
It seems that he would be considered a great actor as much of acting is pretending to be another person, in his case a President, and making people believe the unbelievable and he worked hard to attempt this.
Up or shut up
Them’s fighting words!
Most people, if insulted or accused of a false crime, will step up and call it out. They could resort to court actions or physical responses as their character and good name should be defended.
However, ex-President Trump, through his legal team, has said that he will not be appearing at the impeachment proceedings next week.
Is he lacking conviction, courage or character to defend himself?
The sooner the word “trump” goes back to only being used in card games the better the world will be.
Stand up for what is right or leave
It is pleasing to see that the US House of Representatives has moved against Marjorie Taylor-Greene and her recent statements.
Australia has had a similar event where a representative, Craig Kelly, a climate change septic and supporter of unproven medical treatments, was spoken to by the Prime Minister.
A recent news item of the lady wearing a “Trump Won” facemask is worrying. An assumption of any elected official is that they will tell the truth, and the truth is that Trump didn’t win. Most of the rest of her statements were farcical and offensive.
Perhaps the best option is for her to issue an apology, recognize her errors and resign from her seat so that a better representative can fill it.
Find better people
There are suggestions that the US House of Representative Marjorie Greene should be removed from various committees because of remarks that were considered offensive. There is little doubt that her comments were offensive, and they should be called out, but what then?
If people were banned from representing their electors because they said offensive things or were members of doubtful organizations, then the House would be close to empty. The same would probably occur if they were banned because they were racist, homophobic, extremist or just dishonest.
What many governments need is politicians that are actually good people and that will stand up for what is right even if it is not their parties’ approach.
We need to concentrate on getting good people so that there is no need to worry about getting rid of some people.
Based on recent and current elected people then, it will be a long time before that occurs. (dfitzger@melbpc.org.au/PN)