IN A GOOD religious community, spiritual development is seen to depend critically on questioning and communication. In a cult, however, such behavior is considered as heresy. The leader’s word is final; any departure from their instructions has dire consequences. Often convincing themselves that the leader’s actions, whatever how contradictory, are part of a divine plan beyond human knowledge, this fosters a culture of fear and obedience whereby followers are driven to rationalize the obvious flaws and pretenses of the leader.
A sense of exclusiveness is also vital for cults since they persuade their members that they belong among a select group with access to the final truth. This “us against them” mindset helps members become even more disconnected from the outside world, supporting their reliance on the group and leader. The outside world is shown as hostile, full of evil powers trying to eradicate the cult’s divine mission. This story not only explains the leader’s extreme actions but also makes the followers more vulnerable to his control since it causes paranoia among them.
Though their public image and private behavior clearly contradict one another, cult leaders usually get constant support from their members. This is partially the result of the psychological manipulation under action and the social and political influence these leaders generate. Many cults can become ingrained in society by supporting strong political, often equally maniacal, leaders or movements and providing their allegiance in return for protection or influence. This helps the cult to flourish unbridled and lets the leader avoid responsibility for their deeds.
Such unquestioning allegiance has terrible effects on society as a whole as well as on the individuals engaged. Those who have devoted their lives—and sometimes their life savings, virginity, and career—to the cult may discover they are caught in a cycle of abuse and exploitation. Such surroundings cause emotional and psychological harm that takes years to heal; survivors are left with severe scars and a great feeling of betrayal. Furthermore, the larger society suffers since these cults subvert the rule of law and erode confidence in credible institutions while their leaders keep living in luxury and impunity.
Developing critical thinking and moral courage is imperative as we negotiate a society in which charismatic leaders can readily attract and control their followers. In uncertain times, the attraction of straightforward solutions to complex problems presented by those who assert to have all the answers can be irresistible. But the price of caving in our autonomy and critical ability to such leaders can be terrible. Through constant awareness and knowledge, we can guard our communities and ourselves against the harmful impact of cults and the false prophets guiding them.
Ultimately, each of us has obligations to separate truth from lies, challenge authority when it calls for unquestioning compliance, and stick to our commitment to justice and the common good. Though their seductive promise of certainty, belonging, and unbridled salvation is appealing, the cost they demand is far too great. By spotting the warning signals and opposing such dangerous groups, we can help ensure that our society stays a place where freedom of thought and the rule of law are maintained and where the vulnerable are shielded from exploitation and damage.
Doc H fondly describes himself as a “student of and for life” who, like many others, aspires to a life-giving and why-driven world grounded in social justice and the pursuit of happiness. His views do not necessarily reflect those of the institutions he is employed or connected with./PN