I’ve done my share

SOME PEOPLE go campaigning house to house.

Some people go to rallies.

Some people campaign online.

Some people do it in (and from) the Philippines.

Some people do it wherever they can.


I do it all wherever I can.

I did a Pink Ambassadorial Tour of the UK and Europe from December to February.

I also had a few days in Mexico, and a week in Iceland.

And if you see my social media, you will understand how much I have done.


In the UK, I visited several homes.

Mostly, homes of nurses and their families.

They knew I was there to campaign for my Pink candidates, and to squash the opponent/s.

I’d say my audience stats was 50-50 in the beginning.

But I managed to change some minds towards my candidate.

In the end, I could say I did 60-40 in favor of my Pink candidates.

It was hard to change the former Filipinos in the UK.

And I say “former Filipinos” because, thanks be to God, they are now British citizens, and cannot vote for their candidate.


What is sad about all this is that, they really don’t care about the Philippines.

They don’t care about the Filipinos in the Philippines rotting in poverty.

If you have to manage your own finances in the UK (and elsewhere in the world), would you really care about the national economy of the Philippines?

If you are no longer a Filipino citizen, and are living in the UK (or elsewhere in the world), who cares if you push Filipinos in the Philippines to hell and their destruction, right?

It’s so easy to say, “I pushed them in the wrong direction, and they were so stupid to jump when I said, ‘Jump!’”

And that thought makes me sad.

Because I see that as irresponsible, and a little psychotic.


I’ve engaged in a lot of debates with former Filipinos in the UK.

It was just December.

I was invited to holiday gatherings.

Drinking sprees, eating parties.

And the Philippine elections was a hot topic among the inebriated. 


I argued because a little alcohol always makes me very eloquent, and more uninhibited to insult people’s stupidity.

I always triumphed in those debates.

I’ve enlightened many.

And when my opponents concede defeat, they just say, “Relax, Mr. Pete, we can’t even vote because we don’t have dual citizenship.”


The women are easier to convince.

(Because they are smarter?)

Anyway, because they are convinced with my ideas, I end up telling them to “pressure” their families in the Philippines to vote for my Pink candidates.

Because if they are still remitting money to their dependent families in the Philippines, couldn’t they create that little pressure?

Luckily, they agree.

And I have had updates that their families are voting Pink.


It’s a different story in the rest of Europe.

I still met some nurses, but most of the people that I talked to were non-healthcare workers.

They were chefs, teachers, store managers, librarians, consultants, and real estate agents.

They were mostly also rooting for my Pink candidates.

I’d say it’s 90-10% in my favor because I only met one strong Duterte fanatic.

My ambassadorial work for my European contacts consisted mostly of giving them ammunitions to help convince their families in the Philippines, if they aren’t Pink already.


As for Cancun, Mexico, well, I haven’t met a Filipino there.

Was it because I went to an expensive exclusive resort? Haha.

OK, OK, I met a Filipino family at the airport, but they’re already Pink.

I mean, they’re the intelligent bunch.

And rich Filipino-Americans! Haha.


So there’s the intelligent voter, and therefore intelligent vote.

Corollary, there’s the stupid voters, and therefore their stupid votes.

It’s not that you are stupid because your candidate is a liar and thief (although it will amount to this).

You are stupid because you did not study the candidates.

And you are stupider because you choose a liar and thief even if you know that they are liars and thieves.

Stupidity is forever. Haha.


I believe in education.

I believe in intellectual growth.

I believe in enlightenment, and in knowing the unknown.

I believe in people’s capacity to learn.

So I’m happy that there are people that I have convinced to change their opinions, and have won them over for my Pink candidates.

I’m happy for the last minute switches.

I’m happy for people joining the Pink campaign, even at the eleventh hour.

What is important is that (most) people do not remain stupid.


But I also believe in just plain stupidity.

In the stubbornness of the stupids.

In their refusal to learn.

In their refusal to see the light; in their refusal to be in the light.

And therefore, in their choice to be in hell.

I pray for those people; I pray hard that they burn in hell!


I’ve burned so many bridges during this campaign period.

And I’m glad I did.

I am a happier person now.

I’ve always been a happy person, but I’m happier now.

I feel I have broken ties with toxic people.

Imagine being friends all your life with people who are not as smart or as morally superior as you.

It takes a toll.


And so, Rot, losers, rot!

You are dead to me now.

I have carried you for so long. 

I have done my share.

Now, leave me happy, and peaceful./PN


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