I CONSIDER my extended family a little conservative.
Most of them are religious fanatics.
Bible verse-quoting Christians.
Some are even Jesus freaks.
I can deal with some of them because some can be kind and charitable.
Or simply rich. Haha.
What I hate are those relatives who presume that they know me.
Those that ask, Have you accepted Jesus in your life?
Because, if those people have forgotten, I have been educated in the seminary!
Which is not to say that the seminary has the monopoly on the Jesus matter.
Now, if you have a seminary education and training like I did, preach to me!
And to be flippant about it, if you are richer than I am, wealthier and healthier, preach to me!
But until then, learn from my success and God-blessed life!
Because what kind of idiot would stay in a seminary for two months, and not know Jesus?
And if you know the real Jesus in the seminary way, I’d question your staying for two years without accepting Jesus.
So, do not go Jesus-zealot on me; I really hate that!
I also hate the faith versus science argument.
I am a scientist.
And I don’t care how you judge my faith and spirituality, but I sleep like a baby, and I know that I’ll go straight to heaven first before anyone else.
More importantly, if I’m preparing your coffee (or paying for it), maybe you should realize that I am more Christian than you are.
Okay, so there’s Starbucks coffee, and there’s Nescafé Classic stick, and Nescafé Original 3-in-1.
When I prepare coffee for relatives at breakfast, this I realize: Each one is different.
Each one has a different preference for their coffee.
And there’s nothing wrong about that.
There’s a healthier way to coffee, but who are we to impose it on others?
And so it is with God.
There’s a traditional way of looking at God.
There’s a Peter Solis Nery way.
And sometimes, ThePSN way is just more appealing to others, especially the new generation.
The rain falls on both the traditionalists and the Peterists.
It’s just that the Peterists are not afraid of the rain.
When family gathers, we do a little Maritess.
No, it is not meant to demean others (although it often ends up exactly that).
But really, we simply just want to update everybody about what’s going on with whom.
It is also a good time to weigh in our opinions, and make a collective evaluation of certain people, and things, and issues.
But I’m the big devil’s advocate.
So I always defend those who aren’t there to defend themselves.
And to end all arguments, I always say: It’s just different, but it is not necessarily wrong.
The only wrong thing is going against me. Bwahaha.
In the end, my relatives’ general evaluation of me is that I am amiable, and attentive to everybody.
I pay good attention to details, and allot time to each one.
I do not tune out when spoken to… unless their monologues go on for more than 45 minutes.
I make sure their well-being is attended: hydration, bathroom needs, pain and exhaustion levels, social interaction.
I try to give everybody a good time.
Most people think I am a very tolerant person.
In a way, I am.
I give everybody a chance.
I appreciate all the various colors of the rainbow.
I value each shade of blue, or green, or any hue.
In my book, we are all different.
And however I think the world would be better if everybody followed my example, I genuinely recognize that the world is a lot better place with all the gifts and talents different people bring to the table./PN