Just random thoughts…

SOME things came to mind about similarities, if there are any, about anti-rabies vaccination and the COVID-19 vaccination.

Now I am not claiming any authority or scientific basis as I am neither an epidemiologist nor virologist. In fact, I am not anything of that sort. As I said, these are just random thoughts.

These stray semantic memories come from almost three decades as an animal welfare advocate and having been part of numerous anti-rabies campaigns and vaccination programs.

Now, according to veterinary experts, to achieve minimum rabies-free status in an area, it must achieve at least 80 to 70 percent full vaccination of the dog population in that specific area.

To keep that 80 to 70 percent level maintained together with the vaccination program is a spay and neuter program so that the dog population will not increase.

Now, considering that both rabies and COVID-19 are viruses, would that also work with the human population?

Before, you rabidly complain I am not saying that we spay and neuter the human population (that’s another story). What I’m saying is, would achieving 70 to 80 percent vaccination of the human population in the Philippines bring a COVID-19 free status? Perhaps it would. Or not. But as I said, these are just random thoughts.

By the way, despite all the launching and press releases, the Philippines never achieved a rabies-free status although there are some islands that are, i.e. Siquijor and Guimaras.

The Philippines failed to achieve rabies-free status because the component program which is the spay and neuter was not successfully implemented.

So if you think the virus COVID-19 was manmade to depopulate the world, that’s just the Avengers Endgame movie kicking in.

If and when I do get vaccinated, I’d prefer the Chinese Sinovac or the Russian Sputnik V. I never let some silly things like racism, petty politics and colonial mentality get in the way of a sound scientific fact.

Stupidity seems to have inflicted First World countries; the Nobel Peace Prize used to be a very prestigious award. Not anymore. It has become a joke and it’s not even funny.

I’ve always said – and this is a tangible fact – your sex is determined by what’s between your legs and not what you fancy yourself to be.

Speaking of which, women’s sports and natural women as we know it is now on its final death throes in the United States of America:

Excerpts from an article on The Washington Times by Bradford Richardson:

Growing body of research rejects transgender movement

Is Caitlyn Jenner a woman? A growing body of research from scientists, philosophers and feminists says no.

The latest contribution to the debate is “When Harry Became Sally,” a just-released book by Heritage Foundation senior research fellow Ryan T. Anderson, who critiques the transgender movement on the grounds of metaphysics, medicine and public policy.

Contrary to the transgender movement’s central claim — that “gender identity” determines whether someone is a man, a woman or something else — Mr. Anderson said the only rationale for determining an organism’s sex is “by that organism’s organization with respect to sexual reproduction.”

“Apart from that, all you have are sex stereotypes,” Mr. Anderson said Wednesday at a Heritage Foundation gathering. “There’s no other objective standard for identifying the sex of an individual.”

Human beings are a “sexually dimorphic species,” with complementary reproductive systems that are either male or female, Mr. Anderson said. One’s sex is evident in DNA, can be tracked in the womb and manifests itself “in many of our bodily systems and organs all the way down to the molecular level.”

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, university distinguished professor of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine:

In his capacity as psychiatrist in chief at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, a position he held for 26 years, Dr. McHugh pioneered sex change surgery as a way to treat gender dysphoria. After studying the results, however, he concluded that the procedures brought no benefit to his patients and stopped offering the treatment in the 1970s.

Today, he recommends that patients with gender dysphoria seek psychosocial treatment, and he compares the malady to anorexia and other body-dysmorphic disorders.

In 2016, Dr. McHugh co-wrote a special report with Lawrence S. Mayer, a biostatistician and epidemiologist that was published in The New Atlantis. The paper, “Sexuality and Gender: Findings From the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences,” reported that many of the LGBT movement’s claims are “not supported by scientific evidence.”

“Gender dysphoria — a sense of incongruence between one’s biological sex and one’s gender, accompanied by clinically significant distress or impairment — is sometimes treated in adults by hormones or surgery, but there is little scientific evidence that these therapeutic interventions have psychological benefits,” the researchers wrote.

This simply means that despite all the “politically correct” nonsense, you’ll just be a surgically altered man made to resemble a woman or vice versa because your DNA will always be whatever sex you were born as./PN


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