ANTIQUE – The municipality of Libertad, Antique was adjudged the “Best Implementor of Population and Development (PopDev) Integration” in the nationwide 2022 Kaunlarang Pantao Award of the Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM).
The annual Kaunlarang Pantao Award aims to recognize the efforts and initiatives of the LGUs in advancing various Philippine Population and Development Program (PPDP) strategies.
Mayor Mary Jean Te received the award – a plaque and P200,000 cash prize – on June 23 in Metro Manila. She was with Municipal Population Officer Joey Roberto, Municipal Information Officer and head of Planning Information and Management Division Jay Fabiano Tumbokon and Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator Robert Nicopior.
“Ginkilala ang aton banwa bilang pinakamayad sa pag-generate kang mga demographic nga datos kag pag-gamit kang dya nga mga datos sa aton nga mga development strategies, pareho kang pagplano kag pag-implementar kang aton mga programa kag proyekto sa aton banwa pati run sa aton COVID-19 response,” said Te.
She ws referring to Project iComSys or Integrated Community Information System, the municipality’s entry to the 2022 Kaunlarang Pantao Award.
This system helps monitor Libertad’s population; plan programs and projects; improve services; and carry out responses to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
“Bugal naton dya nga kadarag-an. Dya nga dungog aton man ginapakigbahin sa aton pinalangga probinsya kang Antique kag bilog nga Rehiyon Sais. Sigehon naton ang pagsiguro nga kaimaw ang tanan sa aton nga kauswagan,” said Te./PN