Man stabbed dead in Barotac Viejo


ILOILO – A man was found dead beside a rice field in Barangay Vista Alegre, Barotac Viejo town around 6 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 22.

Marconi “Mako” Barcelona was a 69-year-old resident of the said barangay.

Barotac Viejo police said Barcelona sustained stab wounds and was hit with a small mallet.

Police Major Ciriaco Esquillarga, chief of the Barotac Viejo Municipal Police Station (MPS), identified the suspect as Eduard Longanilla, 69, and also resident of Barangay Vista Alegre.

Esquillarga said Barcelona, Longanilla and their friends were having a drinking binge on Monday night.

When Barcelona got drunk, he shouted – a possible reason why the suspect got angry with the victim, resulting to their fight.

Esquillarga also said the suspect disclosed that Barcelona was killed in the compound of his house and that he was the only one who killed the victim.

The suspect is currently detained at the Barotac Viejo MPS./PN


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