Mask mouth (Part 2)


FACEMASKS stop respiratory droplets from being expelled into the air and upon others.

That is when a cough, sneeze, or conversation occurs.

Facemasks are effective in slowing down the spread of infections, especially in these pandemic times.

This is why the new normal means using a facemask for long periods. This led to some unwanted side effects that have serious consequences on oral health, according to a report from Express Dentist, a nationwide network of dental professionals in the United States.

Symptoms attributed to wearing face masks for a long period include bad breath, dry mouth, tooth decay, gum disease, and mouth ulcers – conditions for which dental professionals have coined the term “mask mouth.”

Mask mouth occurs, for example, when the mouth gets dry. This happens when you breathe through your mouth instead of your nose, which is common when wearing facemasks.

Breathing through the mouth dries up the mouth.

That is, you produce less saliva which prevents the formation of plaque on teeth; saliva gets rid of food and bacteria from the teeth and mouth.  

Dry mouth (xerostomia) is caused by a lack of saliva that keeps the mouth relatively clean and rids the oral cavity of bacteria. Saliva maintains the acidity balance; an overly acidic mouth may cause the demineralization of the teeth.

A facemask may also cause hyperventilation. This happens when airflow is impaired by the facemask, causing shorter and faster breathing. This may cause dry mouth.

Breathing through the mouth may cause bad breath or halitosis.

If you tend to drink water less because of the inconvenience of the facemask barrier, chances are you may get dehydrated. It is important to be adequately hydrated because water keeps teeth and gums healthy when it gets rid of bacteria.

A lot of bacteria build-up plaque; this may cause inflammation and infection of the gum tissues. Thus, it is best to remember to drink a lot of water.

Facemasks also mean recycled air with higher carbon dioxide content. The increased acidity in the mouth may cause gum disease and bad breath.

Warm air is trapped by facemasks, producing an environment for bacteria to grow. One result may be skin ulcers that appear at the corners of the mouth.

One way to prevent mask mouth is to take a break on a regular basis. This can be done in the safety and confines of your homes or far from the crowd or even from one or two individuals.

Regularly take off the facemask, pause, and take a deep breath. And drink water regularly.

“Dental professionals are still trying to understand the short- and long-term implications of mask mouth,” the Express Dentist report said.

“One thing is certain; mask mouth is more than just an inconvenience. Dentists say they are seeing inflammation in gums that were previously healthy and cavities in people who never had them before. Therefore, mask mouth can have serious consequences on oral health and should not be ignored.”

Still, Express Dentist said, “there is insufficient data at present to justify reduced adherence to facemasks because of mask mouth.”

Only time will tell whether mask mouth has permanent consequences and what its long-term implications on oral health are, according to Express Dentist.

So wear facemasks and face shields. Maintain a safe distance from others. Cover your mouth when you cough and cover your nose when you sneeze. Wash hands regularly. Stay safe always./PN


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