Mobile COVID-19 lab to boost Roxas City’s testing capacity

This new mobile containerized reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction testing laboratory is set to operate soon in Roxas City, Capiz. The installation of the facility at the Hortus Botanicus started on Sunday until today, Sept. 8. UPOD KITA RONNIE DADIVAS/FB
This new mobile containerized reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction testing laboratory is set to operate soon in Roxas City, Capiz. The installation of the facility at the Hortus Botanicus started on Sunday until today, Sept. 8. UPOD KITA RONNIE DADIVAS/FB

ILOILO City – The local government of Roxas City, Capiz expects to boost its testing capacity coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) with the new mobile containerized reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing laboratory set to operate soon.

With the metro’s own testing facilities, Mayor Ronnie Dadivas is hopeful they can eventually establish a strong ground in the fight against the viral illness.

Dadivas announced the arrival of the said facility over the weekend at Culasi port.

Ang pag-abot sang kaugalingon nga RT-PCR laboratory sang Roxas City mangin daku nga bentaha kag panugod na sang aton kadalag-an sa pagpakigbato sa COVID-19,” Dadivas said in statement.

The city mayor also hopes for a faster releasing of COVID-19 test results.

Ini isa sa mga pamaagi agud makontrolar naton ang madasig nga pagdamo sang COVID-19 cases sa syudad sang Roxas. Mas temprano nga magguwa ang resulta sang swab test sang mga suspected cases mas dako ang tyansa nga malikawan naton ang paglapta sang balatian,” he added.

The installation of the mobile laboratory at the Hortus Botanicus started Sunday until today, Sept. 8.

Medical technologists who will man the facility will first undergo training.

Dadivas is also confident that the application for accreditation of the COVID lab will get approval form the Department Health (DOH).

Gamay na lang nga tinion ang aton hulaton. Sa pagpahanugot sang DOH mahimu na maka-operate sa katapusan nga semana sang Setyembre ang aton RT-PCR laboratory,” said Dadivas.

To date, the containerized RT-PCR laboratory is the first of its kind facility established by a local government unit in Panay Island./PN


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