No. 6 Aklan drug suspect arrested

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Friday, June 9, 2017

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KALIBO, Aklan – A high-value antidrug campaign target was arrested in Barangay Laguinbanua East, Numancia, Aklan.

John Alex “John-John” Nabor, a resident of the same village, ranked No. 6 in the list of high-value targets in Aklan, authorities said.

Nabor sold a plastic pack of suspected shabu to an undercover officer for P1,100 around 9:30 a.m. on June 7, said Chief Inspector Ricky Bontogon, Provincial Drug Enforcement Unit (PDEU) team leader.

The 36-year-old suspect yielded five more plastic packs of the same substance.

Nabor got his drug supply from Iloilo, Bontogon said, citing investigation.

“We had a test buy on the suspect. His transactions were big-time, according to our confidential agent,” the police officer said, adding that Nabor had been surveilled for a month prior to the operation.

While he admitted using illegal drugs, Nabor denied selling them. He said he surrendered as part of Oplan Double Barrel last year.

Nabor sold drugs in Kalibo, Numancia and the western towns, Bontogon said.

“I was at a flea market buying viand for us three carpenters working in a hatchery and piggery when police officers approached and handcuffed me,” Nabor said in the dialect. “There was no buy-bust. I don’t supply drugs to anyone.”

Nabor may be charged with violation of sections 5 (sale) and 11 (possession) of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.

Operatives from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency Region 6 and Numancia police station helped in the operation. (With Aklan Forum Journal/PN)





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