JAMINDAN, Capiz – The Regional Inter-Agency Task Force (RIATF) approved a one-month suspension on the repatriation of locally stranded individuals (LSIs) here.
The suspension is from Dec. 5, 2020 to Jan. 5, 2021.
The Jamindan Task Force requested for the moratorium to give the personnel of the Rural Health Unit sufficient time to recover from physical and mental exhaustion due to the influx of LSIs and repatriated overseas Filipinos in recent months.
The town’s request for moratorium was approved by the RIATF on Nov. 16 yet.
Aside from Jamindan, the towns of Dumalag, Panitan and Sapian also in Capiz requested for the suspension of the LSIs’ return, too. They are still waiting for a response from the RIATF./PN